Ponyboy Curtis

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You took out your English notebook and slammed your locker shut. You locked it before heading to your next class, which was Language Arts.

When you walked in, you were immediately confused. Everyone was standing along the walls of the classroom, because the desks were put into groups of four. The bell rang, signaling the start of class.

"Alright, students. As you can tell, we will be changing seats because of the new quarter." Ms. Scott announced. "Now, look on the board for your seat."

A crowd formed around the chalkboard, you heard a few groans and gasps of excitement. When you finally made your way to the front of the crowd, you saw that you were sitting upfront. You sighed, knowing that you would miss your quiet corner in the back.

When you looked at your new group, you saw the names Anne, James, and Ponyboy.

After a few minutes of chatter and movement, Ms. Scott instructed everyone to take their new spots.

"Alright, while your group starts on the presentation for the book, get to know one another." Ms. Scott sat by her desk and let the room grow louder.

You opened got out the essentials for the class and sat silently. Anne and James seemed to be together, so they were busy talking about whatever. Now, it was just you and Ponyboy. He was a greaser with bleached blonde hair.

You heard the story of what happened to him, and you were surprised he showed up at school again.

Ponyboy kept glancing over at you nervously, and occasionally opened his mouth to say something.

Finally, you decided to say something. "I'm Y/N."

"Ponyboy," he replied with relief evident in his voice.

"So..." You awkwardly cleared your throat and ran your hands over the novel  you were assigned.

"Do you wanna hang out later to work on this project? We can ask Ms. Scott if we can work together since Anne and James seem to be occupied." Ponyboy smiled.

You smiled back,"I'd love that."



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