Steve Randle

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"Steve, come on!" You begged Steve to let you help him at work. You've always wanted to learn how to fix cars.

"Hmm, don't want you accidentally drinking oil." Steve continued to make up excuses.

You groaned and spread your body in front of the door,"Oh no! You can't get out!"

Steve reluctantly smiled at your weirdness and sighed,"Fine."

You cheered and dashed out the front door. Steve followed closely behind you and the two of you began walking to the DX.

Once you reached Steve's work, you had to fall back behind Steve. You sheepishly admitted that you had no idea where to go. Steve clocked in and began to do his daily routine.

"Okay... Could you hand me a wrench?" Steve was currently underneath a car, trying to repair whatever was wrong with it.

You looked hesitantly at a nearby tool box,"Uh..."

Steve slid out from under the car with a smirk,"That one."

"Oh," you blushed and quickly handed the wrench over to him. He smiled and unnecessarily touched your fingertips.

Steve disappeared underneath the car and continued his work. Many minutes later, Steve showed up again.

He swiped his greasy hand across his sweaty forehead. He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants before walking over to you.

You leaned back on the chair you've been lounging on as he came closer.

"Having fun?" Steve chuckled as he reached over you to grab a towel.

You pretended to think about it,"Hmm.. No."

Steve smiled,"Didn't think so." He dragged you over to a different station, farther from the front of the shop.

"Where are you taking me?" You giggled as he stopped by the end of the DX.

"It's my break," he said.

"We've barely been here for an hour." You rolled your eyes playfully.

"I know," Steve backed you up onto an abandoned car.

You pursed your lips as he leaned into you. You slowly closed your eyes as he placed his lips on yours. Your nose crinkled and you pulled away.

"What's wrong?" Steve rose his brows.

"You smell like car."


awh awh okay lol Valentine's Day is coming up, any of y'all spending it with your bae ((; buuuut yay it's a 4 day weekend!!

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