Dallas Winston

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You pulled on the dress that your friends picked out for you. You examined yourself in the mirror and was impressed with their sense of style.

Today was your birthday and girl's night out. Dally, who was a bit reluctant to let you go to a club at first, decided to just stay at home all night while you were out partying.

"Dal, I'm gonna leave now!" You shouted into the apartment as you headed for the door.

"Wait," Dally came racing towards you. He was holding a small box as he examined you, his brows furrowing. "Uh, you're gonna wear that?"

You immediately felt self-conscious,"what do you mean?" You were feeling pretty good about your dress earlier, but Dally diminished that feeling.

"I just think it's short. Some douche is gonna take advantage of you," Dally frowned.

"I'll be with my friends the whole time, I'll be careful. I promise." You pleaded, trying to slip out the apartment door.

"No, I'm not letting you go out like that. Better safe than sorry, Y/N." Dallas dragged you back to your guys' shared room and began rummaging through your closet. He threw some of your old clothes at you while you stood behind him impatiently.

"Could you hurry up?" You took a seat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to toss you something else to wear. "If you don't find something that I like, I'm going out like this."

"Okay, okay just gimme a minute." Dally continued to ransack through the pile of dresses before something caught his eye. "Perfect..." He turned around while holding up a dress that you haven't worn in forever.

You blushed furiously as you remembered when you last tried on that dress. It was during your sixteenth birthday, also the day you found out Dallas liked you.

"Hurry," he handed you the silky dress and pushed you into the bathroom. You quickly changed and touched up your makeup. You smiled at how much better you felt. You hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom.

"So?" You were surprised how the dress fit you snuggly.

"Wow," Dallas replied breathlessly. "You're missing something though." He slowly walked over and opened the small box he was holding earlier. "I know you don't want to get married so soon, 'cause we're both pretty young..but this is just a promise that someday we will." He slipped the promise ring onto your finger. "Happy birthday babe."


shit idk what I'm doing anymore lmao.. okaayy so I'm not accepting any requests at the moment until i complete all of the ones i already have.. sorry!! and this book might be ending soon as well (so i can focus on my stand by me imagines book as well as upcoming fanfics)

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