Sodapop Curtis

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Part 2! And I know the title says Sodapop Curtis but I'm going to add Dally's ending in here as well. I couldn't choose who you were going to end up with so I just decided to do two separate endings!

Sodapop Curtis

You love Soda. He's always been there for you. You sighed and looked over towards Dally. He looked helpless. You shook out the image.

"Dally...Sodapop and I-" you began but Dally cut you off.

He pursed his lips,"I knew it. You moved on. I saw it coming." He moved closer towards you and looked over to Soda. Fury was clear in his eyes. Within a second, Dally flung a fist at Soda's face.

You gasped,"Dally!" You tried your best to pull him away, but he was too strong for you.

"You knew I loved her! When I told you to take care of her, I didn't mean to hook up with her!" Dally shouted and continued to throw punches.

Soda cried out in pain and tried his best to fight back. That's what caused you to snap. The love of your life was being hurt because of you. You couldn't take it anymore and soon found yourself covering Soda.

"Y/N," Dally stopped from hitting you. "Don't do this. Come with me. I know you still love me. The way you hesitated? I could tell."

You shook your head,"No, Dally. You're wrong."

He smirked and clenched his jaw,"Didn't think you would downgrade. Whatever, I'm getting out of here." He gave one last scowl at Soda before walking away.

Once he left, you turned to Soda. His face was covered in blood. You frowned and helped him inside the house. You quickly got him fixed up and clean before settling him on the couch.

Sodapop smiled wearily,"What would I do without you?"

You smiled back and carefully laid your head on his shoulder.

Dally Winston

You love Dally. It hurt so much how you still loved him. But, what about your feelings for Soda? Was he a rebound? A distraction? Was everything just fake for the past year?

Sodapop smiled at you softly when you turned to him. You couldn't bring yourself into letting Soda down.

"Soda, I-I..." You almost broke into tears. You felt so guilty.

His smile slowly disappeared. "Oh," was all he said before hanging his head sadly.

You bit your lip to keep the tears from falling. You walked over to Soda and tried to comfort him. You placed a soft kiss on his cheek before turning to a smirking Dally.

The things this boy does to me... You pursed your lips at Dally before getting into your car. Dally did the same and started his engine. The two of you knew where to go, for it was where you always went.

"Didn't think you would choose me, Princess." Dally joked and slung an arm around you.

"Don't make me regret it," you giggled along and sipped on your chocolate shake.



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