Ponyboy Curtis

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dedicated to anonymous's friend, jenna! kinda modern au

You've been training for months for this moment. Your coach has been extra strict on you, because she knew you could place first place in this dance competition.

"Good luck, you'll do great." Ms. Morell patted your back. "Just as long as you place in top five." She laughed and stood aside.

"Soloist Thirty Three, Y/N Y/L/N." The announcer called you on stage.

You lifted your chest and straightened your back. You plastered a realistic smile onto your face as you gracefully took your spot in the bright light.

You caught your boyfriend, Ponyboy, and your family giving you encouraging expressions. You took a deep breath and began your routine as the music started.

It seemed like such a short while, because soon it was over. You breathed heavily as the song ended and bowed. Applauds erupted as you exited stage right and into Ms. Morell's arms.

"You were amazing as always! I swear, I saw the judges crying." She claimed.

"Oh, stop it." You managed to say when you caught your breath.

She walked with you out of the theatre. You both came across your smiling family and friends.

"Y/N!" Ponyboy excitedly ran up to you and gave you a gigantic hug. "You were amazing, golly, how'd I get to be with a talented girl such as yourself?"

"Aw, thank you," you blushed and buried your head into the crook of his neck.

"I love you so much," he whispered.

You held back a gigantic smile. He's never said that he loved you. You felt your heartbeat, and his, speed up.

You melted easily into his touch. "I love you too."



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