Steve Randle

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(800+ reads?? omfg guys im honestly speechless)

Today was the day that Steve was going to introduce you to the gang. You were beyond nervous to say the least.

Steve strolled into the Curtis' house, holding your hand tightly.

"Lookie here!" One of Steve's friends called as you two walked in.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." Steve pulled you close as you shyly waved.

"Hello Y/N," the six other boys greeted in Y/N. They sounded like a bunch of students welcoming a new classmate. It felt like it too.

"Here," Steve lead you over to the couch. You hesitantly sat next to a shirtless boy. He had the most amazing eyes and a charming smile.

"I'm Sodapop," he introduced himself. You nodded in response and felt a pair of hands rubbing your shoulders. You looked back at saw Steve smiling down at you.

"You're doing great," he mouthed to you. You smiled back and nodded.

"Alright, boys. Time for the rumble," a man, who looked like he was the oldest, declared. The boys whooped and cheered in response.

They began strutting out the door without a word of goodbye to you. You continued to watch the TV when Steve hopped over the couch. He sat next to you and quickly kissed you.

"I'll be back," he promised.

"I know," you nodded and gave him a hug,"stay safe."

He smiled and followed his fellow greasers.

"Y/N?" A voice called out. You quickly opened your eyes and rubbed them.

"Yeah," you sat up and saw Steve staring down at you. He was beat up. "Are you alright?!"

Steve chuckled,"I'm fine.. Just a couple of bruises and cuts." You looked around and saw his friends in the same situation. They were all patching each other up.

You grabbed a wet towel from the coffe table, and began dabbing around Steve's black eye.

"I love you," Steve blurted as you began helping with his rumble wounds.

The room grew silent after Steve's declaration. He looked at you nervously.

"I love you too," you smiled and softly pecked his cheek.


literally i have no idea what to write about oops sorry if my next few imagines are cliché?!!?

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