Johnny Cade

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"What if they hate me?" Johnny began to sweat nervously as the two of you neared the park.

"They won't, trust me." You giggled and rubbed his arm reassuringly. "They'll love you."

Today was your family's annual picnic. Almost everyone in your family would go to the local park and just hang out until the sun set. And this year was the first time for your boyfriend, Johnny.

"Y/N!" Some of your cousins screeched once you walked onto the picnic area. You screamed their names in response and ran to hug them, Johnny followed closely behind.

"Who's this?" Your cousin, Sheila, gave you a smug smile as Johnny stood next to you.

"This is Johnny, my boyfriend." You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hi," he waved shyly at all the people looking at him.

"Aw, you two are the cutest." Your older sister walked towards the crowd forming around both of you. Your older brother followed after her, causing Johnny to gulp deeply.

He's heard of all the stories about your scary older brother. He, Andrew, happened to be very protective of his siblings.

"Who's this punk?" Andrew frowned after giving you a hug.

"J-John---" his voice cracked,"---ny." His face grew red with embarrassment.

"Come with me and let's have a talk." Andrew dropped his voice low and walked away, gesturing for Johnny to follow him.

You and your sister watched the two of them slowly ease up to each other. They ended up laughing a lot before coming back to join the rest of the family.

"I approve, little sis." Andrew grinned and slapped Johnny on the back.

im at my brother's baseball game and im so cold aaghy

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