Two-Bit Matthews

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dedicated to @mylifemyheartmystory

"What to wear..." You thought to yourself as you rummaged through your messy closet. Your hands flew from clothing to clothing, trying to find the perfect outfit for your first date with your long time crush.

"Y/N! Hurry up! I think I see him walking down the street!" Your mom shouted to you from downstairs. You told her to keep an eye out for Two-Bit.

You panicked and threw on something that looked nice in your mind. You pulled on your warm coat and a scarf, along with a knitted beanie. It looked like it was going to snow.

"Y/N!" Your mom shouted over the ring of the doorbell. You dashed down the stairs and opened the door in time.

"Hi," you panted.

Two-Bit smiled at you widely,"hey. Ready to go?" His hands were wrapped tightly around a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

"I'll take that, have fun honey!" Your mom swooped in and practically pushed you out the house.

You stumbled onto the porch and Two-Bit steadied you. You laughed nervously and clutched his glove protected hand as you began walking down the street.

"So, for our first date, I was wondering if we could go ice skating then hang out at the coffee shop nearby?" Two-Bit spoke nonchalantly.

"Sounds great," you smiled as he pulled you closer for warmth.

After a couple of minutes and blocks later, the two of you arrived at the local skating rink. He let go of your hand, which you were slightly sad about, but he returned with two pairs of skating shoes.

"FYI, I don't know how to skate for my life." Two-Bit admitted with a slight blush creeping on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." You replied and smoothly grabbed his hand and lead him to the ice.

It wasn't crowded today, which was a good thing. Less people to be embarrassed in front of if you both fall.

You skated away from him and gestured for him to follow,"baby steps."

Two-Bit gulped,"you sure? Can I hold the edge? What if I fall and embarrass myself? Ugh, I doubt a pretty girl like you would go out with me again..." He mumbled the last part, but slowly skated towards you.

"There we go," he began to pick up his speed. You began to back farther away, just to give him a obstacle. He smirked and started skating at full speed and force.

You should've seen this coming.

The only thing you saw was the ice rushing to your butt, which softened the landing...kind of.

"I-I'm sorry," Two-Bit broke out into a hysterical laughing fit. You frowned, but laughed along. "You okay?" You nodded and the two of you stood up carefully.

Two hours later, you both got tired. So, you decided to head to the second part of your date.

"My treat," Two-Bit paid for your drink even though you protested.

Minutes later, your drinks were called and you received them. You two sipped silently on the hot, yet relieving, drinks.

"Hey Y/N?" Two-Bit called your attention from the frosty window.

"Hm?" You responded and saw his face super close to yours. His warm breath hit your lips and the smell of chocolate wafted into your nose.

"You got a choco mustache," he smirked.

You felt your face flush furiously and you wiped your mouth quickly. He gave you a thumbs up, indicating the embarrassing "facial hair" was gone.

The rest of the date was comfortable silent, so you both quietly agreed it was the end. Two-Bit decided to walk you home, which made your heart jump up.

"Thank you for this amazing first date," you said almost inaudibly as you reached your front door.

"Amazing date for an amazing girl," Two-Bit grinned before swiftly placing his lips on yours. "I'll see you soon." He bounded down the steps, leaving you speechless on your porch.


yayaya an imagine finally lol sorry ive been working on my two upcoming fanfics (;
hope you guys enjoyed & thank y'all for the reads, comments, and votes!! i lowkey don't want to end this imagine book after 100+ imagines... but ive decided to focus on the stand by me imagine book & starting fanfics after completing this book (:
dudes, this is probs the longest imagine is this book lmaaao nice

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