Dallas Winston

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"Quit staring!" Cherry, one of your closest friends, tapped your shoulder.

"What? I can't help it..." You watched as Dallas Winston held a cigarette between his teeth. As he searched for his lighter, his eyes connected with yours.

"Look, now he's going to come over here and cause trouble. What is he even doing on school grounds anyway?" Cherry sighed irritatingly. You knew about Dally hitting on her multiple times. To be honest, you were jealous.

You and Cherry continued watching the drop-out hood waiting by the bottom of the stairs. A young-looking boy, most likely Ponyboy, ran up to Dallas and greeted him.

Dally gestured his head towards you and Cherry. Ponyboy looked over and quickly switched his attention back to Dally.

"Let's get going," Cherry pulled on your arm and lead you away from the greasers.

You frowned and looked back, they were gone. You walked around the corner of the building and the two boys caught up from the other route.

"Hello ladies," Dally draped an arm around your shoulder.

You blushed,"H-Hi..."

You saw Cherry smile politely at Ponyboy.

Dally let dropped his arm and stopped in front of Cherry,"I recognize you."

"Oh?" Cherry rolled her eyes and walked around Dally.

Ponyboy stood by your side and joined in your death glares.

"Yeah, Cherry the soc. That's Ponyboy, if you don't recall." Dally looked back at the two of you. "Who's your friend?"

"Y/N," you spoke up for yourself,"it's Y/N."

Dally nodded and smirked,"Y/N, huh? How about you and I hang sometime?"

You nodded slowly, catching eyes with shocked Cherry,"I'd like that."


sorry i've been running out of ideas...
thank you guys so much for 500+ reads!
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