Dallas Winston

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dedicated to @EmilyDarling3
sorrryyyy i kinda rushed it! ):

"There she is!" One of the socs that hated you shouted as you passed them.

"Oh crap," you muttered as you broke out into a sprint. You knew your way around this part of your town better than anyone.

They followed you in their red mustang, staying on your heels for the longest time.

You rounded a corner into an alley that was too small for a car to fit in. You ran into the DX, into a pair of strong arms.

"Woah, Y/N." It was Dally that caught you.

You blushed furiously and escaped his grasp,"Sorry."

"It's alright," he laughed and smiled warmly at you.

"Watch your back, Randle!" One of the socs threatened as they raced paced the DX.

"Again?" Dally rose an amused brow.

You shrugged,"My brother around?"

Dally shook his head,"No. Makes this meeting way more interesting." He leaned close to you, his warm breath hitting your lips.

You let out a giggle and pulled away,"Shut it."

"So, Y/N, I've been thinking..." Dally began, but backed away when your brother walked into the shop.

"Whatever you have to say to my sister, you can say to me." Steve put himself between you and Dally.

Dally took a confident breath,"I was going to ask your sister to be my girl."

Steve stifled a laugh,"What? I can't imagine you being held down, especially someone like my sister."

Your mouth gaped open,"Wait, what?"

"Y/N, will you go out with me?" Dally asked hopefully.

Steve's face grew red from holding in his laughs.

"I'd love to," you smirked at your brother. He let out a breath, clearly shocked.

"Great," Dally grinned and pecked your cheek. "See you tomorrow, six sharp."

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