Sodapop Curtis

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Part 2!! P.S. sadness

You haven't heard from Soda in months. Even though you two ended things, you still cared for him. You hoped he was doing well. The doorbell rang, and your mom called you downstairs.

"Yeah?" Your jog slowed once you reached the front door. Two men in military clothing stood silently outside. "W-what is this?"

"Sweetheart," your mom sighed.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" One of the generals asked. You nodded. "We are sorry to inform you, but Officer Curtis died heroically in battle on..."

You drowned the voice out. Your breathing became unsteady. Tears blurred your vision. Sodapop died?

"He left you this," the other general handed you a note. You hesitantly opened it up.

My dearest, Y/N

You laughed sadly at his messy handwriting.

If you received this letter, that means I died. Hopefully in battle. We were instructed to write a letter to loved ones before going off into war. The first person I thought was you. I've always loved you. Do you know how much it hurt to end things? Do you understand how much I thought about you?

I've tried my best here. Training has been awful, but I survived that. I was hoping, if I was strong and quick enough, I'll be able to come back after my last tour. Obviously, I wasn't. I failed. I failed you. I failed my brothers. I failed my country.

You know, I talked about you every night to the other soldiers I met here. They got annoyed pretty quickly. I kept talking about us getting married and starting a family.

I know that can't happen now, but you still have a chance. You can still start a family. You can still achieve happiness. That's all I ever wanted for you. I want you to be happy.

I love you so much.

Soda C.

"Y/N?" Your mom placed a hand on your shoulder, breaking you out of the trance you were in.

"I-I," you choked out. You collapsed onto the ground and sobbed your heart out.

"We'll have one of our members send you the details to the memorial of other lost soldiers," the two officers saluted and left.

You lost him. You lost the love of your life. You lost your Sodapop...


damn im in tears

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