Steve Randle

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You quickly got ready in the girl's locker room. Today was the play-off game for the girl's volleyball team of your school.

"Once you're ready, start warming up on the court." Your couch, Ms. Skye, commanded and wrote stuff down on her clipboard.

You glanced over at your best friend, who happened to be the team captain. She gave you an encouraging thumbs up and the two of you headed into the gym.

Cheers erupted as the rest of the team followed. The opposing team happened to already be practicing. Their intimidating stares on the ball sent your stomach to feel fluttery.

"Wanna pepper with me?" Annika, one of your teammates asked. You nodded and hit the volleyball down at her. She quickly bumped it up and you were able to set it for her to spike.

"YEAH Y/N!! THAT'S MY GIRL!" You heard someone scream from the bleachers. In confusion, you turned and saw Steve, your boyfriend, waving a towel around.

"Watch out!" Annika shouted and before you knew it, the ball hit your head harshly. You were caught off guard, so you ended up on the floor with a major headache.

A crowd formed around you, all asking if you were okay. You groaned and tried to sit yourself up. You saw Steve racing towards you, trying to force himself into the front of the crowd.

He grinned sadly down at you before hoisting you up into his arms. You felt limp in his grip, but you couldn't really think at the moment.

"You okay babe?" Steve placed a soft kiss on your forehead as he carried you to the nurse's office. You mumbled a yes.

After a few minutes in the office, you were able to continue playing. Every time you scored, you could hear Steve's enthusiastic cheers distinctly.


awh supportive boyfriends are gr8
do any of y'all play a sport? i play volleyball & dance (: sometimes i play baseball in the summer yooo

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