Girlfriend Suprise|Apex

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"So guys today I am surprisingly my girlfriend she's coming back from her trip with her family." I start my vlog or video for the day.

"Her siblings are actually helping me take out the whole plan." I says. "I actually have missed her, I haven't seen her in a while since she was traveling with her sisters before her family trip." I say. "Hopefully Cashew doesn't bark and ruin the surprise." I say.


"Guys update, she's less than two minutes away. I'm so excited." I smile.

"I heard the car. Guys I'm excited." I show the camera the view from her window.

"Her brother texted me saying he's going to convince her to come upstairs." I smile placing down the camera in an angle where it could get her reaction.

"Guys and I'm actually really happy I am home, I get to rest and I have my baby with me." I hear her vlogging. "Guys I think my brother is pranking me since he really badly wanted me to come to my room, if he pulls an other prank he will never hear the end of it." She says. "Look what we have here." I hear her say. "It's my baby Cashew, aren't you the cutest thing ever." I hear her cooing Cashew.

"Guys I'm so happy I am back home I finally get to sleep in my comfy bed." She says while opening the door. "Holy, omg." She screams and runs to hug me, I wrap my arms around her waist.

She pulls away and stares at me. "No offense babe, but what are you doing here?" She asks.

"I came to see you." I say. She smiles even more and wraps her arms around my neck.

"You're the best." She pecks my lips. "Ugh. I can't wait for you to move back to California." She says.

"I can't ether." I says.

"Then I can have you to myself for longer." She grins.

"Yes. Yes you can." I say. Cashew starts barking now causing Y/n and I to pull away and she checks up on him. I pick up the camera.

"Guys so I surprised Y/n, she seems happy to see me. Which I am happy to see her. She's actually playing with Cashew instead of paying attention to me." I say making a sad face.

"Aren't you a cute thing." She wraps her arms around my neck does tipi toes and kisses my check. I point the camera down and show them.

"Guys she has to do tipi toes so she could kiss me." I laugh. She sticks out her tongue at the camera while taking a seat on her bed.

"Y/n-oh shit hey Apex." Her younger brother greets.

"Hey dude." I greet.

"Y/n, can I use your charger I kind of broke mine?" Her brother asks. She gets up and walks to her drawer and hands a charger to her brother.

"That's a new one, don't break it." She says.

"I'll try not to." He says. "Bye Apex." He waves off walking.

"Guys so if you guys didn't know, or were clueless on what just happened, my lovely boyfriend with the beard surprised me today." She says showing me to the camera.

"All for you." I flash her a smile.

"Haha how cute." She giggles.

"Guys so many of you guys asks me thoughts on my boyfriends beard and my thoughts on his beard are I fuckien hate it, just kidding I love it on him, if it makes him happy I'm happy. I personally love it on him, yes he looks much older but come on guys lets give it to him it's hot on him." She says leaning on me while showing both of us.

"You heard it here first, she loves it." I wink at the camera. She rolls her eyes, I peck her check. She gets up and shuts off her camera and lays down.

"I'm so tired." She groans.

"Did you have fun?" I ask her laying down by her.

"Yeah. I got to see my cousins. I eat a lot, I saw my grandparents and went to many party's." She smiles.

"Oh really? Anything illegal?" I ask.

"No, I went to my first club." She says.

"How was that like? Did you drink?" I ask her.

"A sip, but it was alright. I guess. I mean I will be 18 next month." She says. "I'll be able to go clubbing with my girls." She smiles.

"What about me?" I ask.

"And you too." She kisses me. "Can I sleep now?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah you can." I kiss her one more time.

"Cuddle?" She makes puppy eyes. I nod my head.

"That's why I love you." She snuggles closer to me. I kiss her head and I began to feel sleepy myself. I look down and see her sound asleep, that's the last thing I saw before sleep pulling me in.

I got this idea from when adapt surprised Adriana at her house.
Updated: Dec 30, 2016

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