Ice cream Loser|| Rain

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"Come on Y/n!" My friend Rene screams at me.

"Come on Y/n!" My friend Rene screams at me

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"I'm coming." I say catching up to her.

"So why did we come here again?" I ask.

"Cause your brother wanted to meet up." She says.

"My brother?" I ask.

"Yeah. So we're going to the basketball court." She says.

"What are y'all?" I ask.

"Idk." She shrugs.

"Did you literally just say idk?" I laugh.

"Yes." She laughs.

"Why am I coming again? I mean obviously my brother wants to see you and I don't want to be there. No offense." I say.

"Stop bitching. Be here for your own best friend." She says. I roll my eyes and stay quiet.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" My brother Adan asks.

"Ask your girlfriend." I say.

"Actually I wanted you guys to meet my girlfriend." Adan says. I turn to see my best friend and it looks like someone just punched her.

"That would be me." I look to see a hot guy. "I'm Rain." He says. My brother is dying of laughter.

"I'm Rene." She flashes a smile.

"I'm Y/n." I smile.

"Adan's little sister, right?" He asks in confirmation.

"Yeah." I smile. I turn around to see no Adan and Rene. "They ditched us." I say.

"I guess they did." Rain says.

"Sooo... What now?" I ask.

"We could shot some hoops." He suggests.

"I'm not good at basketball but sure I guess." I shrug.

"Loser buys winner ice cream." I say.

"Alright, get your money ready then." Rain says.

"We'll see about that." I laugh.

"I can't believe you beat me." Rain says panting.

"I can't ether." I laugh. "Now for that ice cream." I smirk.

"Come on." He says.

"Yaye." I jump happily.

"You don't understand, you understand. What you do to me when you hold his hand." I sing along to One Direction playing softly on the speakers of the shop.

"One direction fan?" He asks.

"Totally." I say proudly.

"Ever seen them live?" He asks.

"Twice." I smirk. "One time in 2014 and the other one in 2015 in San Diego when Harry fell. Those were the days man." I say which makes him chuckle.

"So what ice cream would you want?" Rain asks.

"Rocky Road please." I smile. He tell the person behind the counter our order and he scoops up the ice cream for us. He hands me the ice cream.

"Thank you." I give him a smile.

"You're Y/n right?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod my head.

"Adans little sister, right?" He asks.

"Rene told me to give you this before they left." He says handing me a note.

"Thank you." I look at his name tag "Charles." I smile at him, I read the note and it says to not wait cause she left and get a ride. Rain receives his ice cream and he pays for the order.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Rene and Adan actually left the gym." I say.

"Need a ride?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"I can drop you off. If you'd like." He says.

"You don't mind?" I ask him.

"Not at all." He says.

"Thank you." I wrap my arms around him. I quickly pull away and realize I just met the guy some hours ago. "I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He gives me a smile. I smile and nod my head.


"Thank you for the ride." I tell him once we reach my destination, which is my house.

"No problem. We should do this again sometime." He suggests.

"Yeah we should." I smile.

"Can I have your number, so we can?" He asks. I nod my head and we exchange phone numbers.

"Bye Rain. Thank you again for the ride." I say getting off the car and making my way inside my house.


Updated: Dec 30, 2016

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