What I have.|| Blaziken

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"You hurt me." I scream at Lucas. "You hurt me so much Lucas." I say with tears running down my face. The scene keeps playing in head. The day Lucas left, or I left him.

"Hey Y/n, look who's there." Nick says.

"You're best friend." I say with a sour face. "I'm go." I say.

"Y/n, Nick

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"Y/n, Nick." Banks comes greets us.

"Banks." I smile. "I need to go bye," I say walking away from them.

"Y/n." I turn around and see Andrea. "Andrea." I smile pulling her into a hug.  "Come there are some people dying to see you." She says leading the way. She takes me to Nate, Dillon, Sammy, Stass, Swazz and Derek.

I've been with the boys and thankful I haven't run into Lucas.

"You okay little one?" Derek asks. I nod my head leaning on him. "You're a strong one, you know that?" He asks. I nod my head.

"It's cause I'm related to you," I say in a duh tone.

"Well, you are very strong." He says kissing my forehead.

"Come on let's go dance?" Dillon asks. I take his hand in mine and lead us to the dance floor.  We move our bodies to the rhythm of the beat.

It makes me forget for a while. That's until my eyes land on him talking to another girl, she throws her head backing laughing. Her hand slides up and down his arm, it makes me mad and jealous. He's letting her touch him. "Hey, Dilly I'm go get a drink, I need something," I say walking off the dance floor towards the bar. "Can I have tequila?" I ask the waiter. 'ID?" He asks.  I show him my ID he nods his head. "You're not the one to drink." I hear his beautiful angelic voice that builds me up and breaks me every time. "I'm not the one to dye my hair and I did." I  respond, venom flickers with my words. I take the shot of tequila like it's nothing. "Having a bit too much fun?" Lucas opens his idiotic mouth.

"I am Hispanic, must embrace my roots,"  I say.

"So how's life treating you?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"Like I am Derek Luh younger sister, it's been good," I say keeping it short. "How about you?" I ask out of courtesy. I want him to say he's miserable just as much as I am, tell me that he wants me back but that won't happen, never in million years would that happen.

"I've been good, our CS team won a championship a couple of days ago." he says.

"That's good," I say.

"Hey  Y/N Matts looking for you something about your guys anniversary," Derek says. "Lucas." he spits out. "Y/n lover boy is looking for you," he says. "I should probably go," I say walking off to go look for Matt.

"Y/n," I turn to see my best friend Matt aka Mathew Espinosa, "Matt," I say running towards him, he pulls me into a wonderful hug. "I missed you, buddy," he says kissing the top of my head. "I missed you too," I say. "I have a little surprise for you, I didn't forget about out anniversary. Thirteen years of being best friends I won't forget for anything in the world. You're my number one and I'm here to spend this night with you." he says making me smile."Thank you Matt," I say smiling widely.


"Hello guys, can you guys hear me?" Matt asks into the mic. We hear some yes. "Okay so guys I have an annoucement. I have a speicial someone who majority of you guys know. Before I begin to shower her with compliments I want to ask her if she can come on the stage. Y/n baby doll can you please come up?' Matt asks and I do as asked. "Take a seat" he instructs, "Don't embarsse me." I say. "I'll try." he says making me laugh. "So Y/n, you know you're the best. You're an aboulty amazing wonderful human being. I am lucky to call you my best friend. Today is a very special day for us, we meet thirteen years ago and became best friends. You were there during my awkward stage of life, you went to prom with me and we went to yours and we made great friends on the way. I just want to thank you and I put a little something together. I just also wanted to remind you how much I love you and you're worth so much." He says making me smile widely. "Play it Rupp!" Matt says. A video beings to play its projected on this screen. He plays a video from when we were younger. It has photo of us and some videos. I pull him into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper into his ear.

"Y/n Luh, we made a promise before we graduated. It was to go to Ireland and do a lot of things on our bucket lists, that's what we're doing this summer." He says.

"Matt." I say. "Thank you." I say.

"You guys are friend ship goals." Nate screams. It makes me forget all about him. I smile at them and appreciate to have the people who love me surrounding me.

I felt like updating so I did. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Updated: April 10, 2017

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