Getting laid|| Rain

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"Well maybe I wouldn't of have reacted this way if y-" "-shut up!" I scream at Nord.

"I don't want to hear it. Okay and I'm pretty sure the whole dam house doesn't ether." I say walking away from him.

"Y/n come back here!" Nord orders.

"No." I say making my way to the stairs. I place my foot on the first step and I feel Nordans arms wrap around my waist and carry me.

"Put me down Nord." I says. "Nordan, I said put me down. I will kick your ass if you don't." I say. He uses one hand to hold my wrist and the other one to hold my waist.

"Will you place me down now?" I ask once we're in his room.

"Are you going to be civil?" He asks.

"Yes." I say, no I'm not once I'm set free I'll kick your ass.

"Are you really?" He asks.

"I said I will." I say harshly. He paces me down and I push him against the door.

"I thought we agreed on being civil." He says flipping us around and now I'm against the wall. His face is close to my neck making me nervous.

"Should of thought of that once you let that bitch touch you." I say.

"For the last time I didn't let her touch me." He says and I take this opportunity to flip us around.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask.

"Oh baby the only person I want me touching me is you." He says. Gosh he's so good looking.

"Like this?" I grab his manhood smirking at him.

"Yes." He says. He flips us around so I'm on the door again. I pull him into a kiss. It was hot and passionate, which was an extreme turn on for me.

"Jump." He says and I wrap my legs around him. I hear a click which indicates he locked the door so no one intrudes our privacy. He places me down on his bed and he hovers over my body.

"Jesus Christ Y/n. You're driving me insane." He says and I bring him down where my lips meet his. His hands roam my body up and down. His lips leave mine and move down to my neck.


"Are you still mad?" Nord asks kissing my shoulders.

"I know that you're my boyfriend but that bitch touching you oh hell nah. I'm confident in what I have and I trust you just not that bitch." I say. I place my index finger under his chin and make him look at me. "On the bright side, we just had an amazing time." I smirk.

"Oh yes, I love seeing you in control." He grins. "Especially all jealous." He says causing me to laugh.

"Rain you okay in there buddy?" Adapt asks.

"Yeah I'm fine Alex." Nord says.

"Is Y/n okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking Alex." I say.

"The boys and I are going out, I don't know if y'all want to join?" He says.

"We're actually very tired." Nord says grinning at me.

"I'm sure Y/n wore him out." I hear Nick say causing the boys laugh.

"This is your fault." I whisper to Nordan.

"Nick you're just mad you ain't getting any." Nord laughs.

"Okay I'm a bit salty but that's true. I haven't gotten any in a while." Nick admits.

"Nick get out of here and go get laid." I say.

"Y/n you said you'd hook me up with one of your lady friends. Don't give me a clingy one, just a one night stand." Nick says.

"I'll text you her number just get out of here." I say.

"Will do, let's go boys! They're obviously tired af." Nick says.

"Alright guys, text me if y'all want anything to eat." Adapt says.

"Rain will have plenty of that." Teeqo says.

"Shut it Sweden!" I scream causing the boys to laugh.

This is the 3rd time today. 😍💗
Updated: Dec 25, 2016

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