Saw you || Balziken

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"Stay Slothy." I hear someone say. I ignore it and continue with my shopping.

"As most of you guys know, I'm here shopping with Rain for a gift for his mother and I'm actually planning on getting my little sister Mia something but I don't know what." I hear someone say. I look up to see gamer Faze Blaziken. Holy wow, oh my butter on my toast! He's even hotter and taller in person. We make eye contact and he smile at me, I return the smile and look away quickly. Shit I probably look like an idiot.


"Bro I'm telling you, she was very cute and I didn't get her name." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Awe poor Lucas." I hear Rain say. Oh shit it's Rain and Blaziken. There literally right behind me.

"Miss Harlow, would that be all?" Micheal asks.

"I just need to pay for this Micheal." I say making my way to the cashier.

"Would you like a bag?" The cashier asks.

"Yes please." I say.

"Miss Harlow your father is coming home tonight, you have dinner with him at six." Micheal says.

"Thank you for reminding me Micheal." I say paying for the things. "Micheal would you mind taking the bags to the car while I make a quick stop at Zumies?" I ask. He nods his head and takes the bags.

"Thank you." I say as he's walking away with the cart.

"Hey." I turn around and see Blaziken.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I saw you and well." He rubs the back of his neck.

"He finds you very cute. He hasn't stopped talking about how cute you are." Rain yells. Balzekins face turns red, awe how cute.

"Thank you." I smile. "You're cute too." I say.

"Can I, maybe have your number?" He asks.

"I don't even know your name." I lie.

"My name is Lucas." He extends his arm to shake mine.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Harlow." I shake his hand.  "Now that I know your name I think I can give you my number." I say which causes Blaziken to smile.

It's been two years since Blaziken and I met and we're actually dating now.

"Babe?" Blaziken calls out.

"Mhm?" I ask.

"The fans wanted to know how we met." He says pointing the camera at me.

"Well it was at a store and well guys Lucas here hit on me and I lied that I didn't know who he was but I knew who he was and he was so cute and he's still so cute." I say.

"Awe well isn't Y/n cute." Lucas says wrapping his arm around me.

"You're the cute one." I say.

"Hi Blaziken. Hi Y/n." Apex says walking by.

"Hi Apex." I wave.

"Hi Apex." Lucas says.

"Well there you have it guys." I say.

"They also want to know how long did it take me to make you my girlfriend." He says.

"Well we've been together for a almost a year, and it took him a year to make me his girlfriend." I say.

"Yeah, Y/n was a tough one." He says.

"I was?" I ask.

"It's probably just that Blaziken was too much of a chicken to ask her out." Rain says which causes us to laugh. "Guys fun fact I was actually there when Lucas here said he found Y/n cute, and another fun fact he was to much of a chicken to say he found her cute, I said it and then Josh here got Joshs number." Rain says.

"That's true Josh." Blaziken says.

"And another fun fact, Y/n is a Harlow." Lucas says.

"Indeed I am." I say nodding my head. "A proud one." I smile.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! AythischickJay
Updated: Dec 25, 2016

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