Q&A Apex

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Apex p.o.v.
"What is going on guys, I'm back with another question and answer video. You guys know the deal I tweet ask me some questions, you guys do and I answer them." I say.

"Let's get into the first question, well more like command. Prank call Haidee telling her you got hurt." I read laughing. "If you guys may or may not know, Haidee is my girlfriend and she worries a lot. I don't want to scare her but you guys are asking for it." I say.

"Hey babe what's up?" She answers.

"Hey baby." I say dragging out the 'y'.

"Apex, what's wrong?"she asks.

"I kind of hurt myself." I say.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Haidee, please baby I need you to be calm when I tell you this." I say.

"Apex, tell me what happened." She says worried. I stay quiet. "Apex what happened?" Her voice cracked.

"I fell and kind of sprained my ankle." I say.

"Apex are you okay?" She asks sniffing.

"Haidee baby are you crying?" I ask.

"Apex are you okay?" She asks sniffing. "Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm at the faze house now." I say.

"I'm at Nancy's I'm going over." She says hanging up.

"Guys, if I get into trouble it's going to be your fault." I say looking down and notice people on Twitter are asking if I'm okay.

"Guys so apparently Nancy and Haidee were live streaming when I called her so you guys are worried." I say.

"Hey little guy, are you alright?" Adapt knocks.

"Yeah." I say as he opens the door.

"Why are people worried about you?" He asks.

"I'm doing a Q&A and they asked me to prank call Haidee and I told her I sprained my ankle and I didn't know she was live streaming and she got scared and now she's on her way." I say.

"She really cares about you." Blaziken says.

"Dude I feel bad, I made her cry." I rub my face.

"Well we'll leave you to finish your Q&A." Adapt says.

"Alright." I say.

"The next question is from Hapexislyfe asks when are you and Haidee having kids?" I say. "Okay Hapexislyfe child, we're young. Haidee is 4 years younger than I am." I say.

"Haidee'sQueen asks would you rather be Adapts son or Rains daughter?" I say. "Well I ether look like a rat or I stutter and be a dumbass." I say. "How about this, nun." I say.

From Adapt:
Haidee is here.

To Adapt:
Record her seeing me, I want to add it on the video.

From Adapt:
Alright I got cha'

"Apex, Haidee is here." Rain screams and I make my way downstairs with the camera in my hand.

"So if you didn't hear that Haidee is here. I feel bad since I did scare her and make her cry." I say. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs I noticed Adapt had set the cameras up.

"Aren't you suppose to be resting?" She asks me. I make my way towards her and take a seat by her.

"Were you crying?" I ask her.

"That's not important right now. I want to know if you're okay." She says.

"Haidee, baby. I'm fine, nothing happened. It was for a Q&A video." I say.

"You idiot. You scared the life outta me." She says. I pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I kiss her forehead.

"Don't do that." She says."you actually scared me. I was about to call your mother." She says. I peck her lips.

"How cute." Rain says walking in. "Just saying I got that on record and I'm leave it for my video." Rain says.

"It's fine by me." She says.

"Wanna help me finish the Q&A?" I ask.

"I would love to." She pauses "But" she says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I get to read the question." She says.

"Fine by me." I say.

"One more thing." She says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Give me kiss." She says. I peck her lips. She rolls her eyes. I then kissed her.

Haidee's p.o.v.

"Guys well I have my girlfriend joining me for the rest of the Q&A since I scared her." He says.

"I'm going too be reading the questions. Andy'sgoals asks more like commands, Apex slap haidee's ass." I say laughing looking at Apex.

"Guys lets keep it PG." he says.

"ShortApex asks new merch?" I read.

"Maybe." He says.

"Haidpex asks is Haidee taller than Apex?" I read laughing looking over at Apex.

"Yea totally." He says sarcastically. "But no guys For real if you think I am short, just look at her. She's literally 5'3 and a half. I am 5'9 ish." He says.

"I'm an okay hight." I say in defense. "Okay moving on, donutlost asks slap Apex." I say. "Can I?" I ask. He just nod his head and shuts his eyes. Instead of slapping him I peck his check causing a smile to form on his lips.


"I mean maybe I should of slapped you." I tease while playing with his hands.

"I mean you had your chance." He says.

"I know." I say locking my hand in his.

"You want to know what the fans asked." He says.

"Mhm?" I ask.

"They asked when are we having kids, and I said we're too young right now." He says.

"Yes we are. Plus the fans are crazy." I say.

"Not as crazy as how I am about you." He says.

"What a dork." I giggle and bite him.

"Why are you biting me?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug laughing.

"Ugh, how do I deal with you?" He asks.

"Cause you love me, Faze Apex." I say kissing his check. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me on him while his hands rest on my butt.

"I'm tired." I say.

"Go to bed. I need to finish something." He kisses me.


Updated: February 10, 2017

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