Sweetest person||F.Apex

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My father had dropped off my old play house at my house. He said he knew how much I loved it, even as a teenager I would go in there and think. It was my safe place, where no one could judge me, where I would let lose. He didn't let anyone in without my permission. It was my private space. Apex told me he places it in the garage for now since it might rain and he doesn't want it to be ruined. I'm currently in a business trip in Florida. The weather isn't the best right now.

"Y/n change of plans the conference was pushed back a day." Andy says walking into my room.

"This sucks." I say annoyed.

"I know it is, plus this shitty hot weather isn't helping at all" he complains.

"I can so agree." I say. "How is Alex?" I ask.

"She's great, she took her first steps the other day." He says smiling talking about Alex.

"I want to see my niece walk." I say smiling.

"I have a video of her." He says pulling out his phone. He shows me the video.

"Awe." I say as she begins taking steps.

"Have you and Apex thought about having kids?" He asks.

"We've talked about it. We don't want to have kids right now. We just got married about a year ago and we want to wait." I say.

"It's good to wait in my opinion, you get to enjoy each other as a couple. You don't have to watch a baby. I'm glad Anne and I waited." He says.

Days later

I see Apex car is in the drive way.

"Thank you." I tell the Uber driver helping me take down my luggage. He nods his head and I walk inside the house.  The lights are off, the sun shines through the windows. It's clean.

"Babe I'm home." I announce.

"I'm in our room." Apex yells.  I leave my luggage by the door and make my way upstairs to our bedroom. I hug him once I see him. "I've missed you." I say before I kiss him.  "I've missed you too." He says.

"It's been some crazy days" I say.

"Yes it has." He says.

"Especially with the new Faze House Hollywood coming out." I grin at him.

"Yeah, It's been going good." He says.

"Have you told the fans?" I ask.

"About us moving in together? No I haven't I've been fixing everything." he says. "Plus I want to film when we have everything down and you're here with me and not making money moves." He says making me laugh.

"Calm down Cardi B." I smile.

"I have a surprise for you." He says. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"I'll lead the way." He says. "And I need to blindfold you." He adds. I look at him suspiciously.

"I'm trusting you." Is all I say.

"It'a not a prank, I pinky promise." He says. We do Pinky promises. I peck his lips to seal our deal. He blindfolds me and leads the way. We go down the stairs and then after walking We stop. I'm still learning the house so I'm not sure where we are at. I hear a door open and he leads me into a room.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Kiss me First." I say. He pecks my lips, showing me he's keeping his promise. He undoes the blindfold and remove it. We're in the library in our home. I look around and I find my play house inside.

"Go take a look." He says. I do as told and he placed a rocking chair and Little table inside the play house. My heart. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

"You're the most sweetest person I know and I love you so much." I say with teary eyes.

"I love you, baby please don't cry." He says looking into my eyes.

"How can I not when you're making me so happy and being cute." I say smiling. I peck his lips. "I love you so much." I hug him.

"I love you more." He says smiling.


Updated: Feb 09, 2018

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