We're engaged||F. Rug

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*this is my birthday week update. I'm post everyday leading up to my birthday & on my birthday I'll post my favorite imagine.

"Rug where you at?" I ask walking down a trail. It had a note saying keep going and I do.

From Ruggy ❤️:
You're close babe.
Keep going.

I keep going and I come across a Rug standing by a table with a something underneath a cloth. He pulls the cloth off it's a rose in a glass with a ring, like the beauty and the beast rose. He places in his hands as he kneels on one knee.

 He places in his hands as he kneels on one knee

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"Y/n, will you marry me?" He asks. I look at him I'm shock. For the first time in forever I am speechless. I nod my head he stands up and pulls me into a kiss. "Yes Brian." I say nodding my head like a moron, one happy moron. He removes the glass and takes the ring and places it in the finger indicated.

"You've just made me so dam lucky." He says kissing me forehead. "Once we walk out as husband and wife, I'd be the luckiest dam man in the world." He says. I pull him into a kiss, it's passionate and loving.

"This is so magical." I say looking into his eyes. "You've honestly made me feel like a true princess." I say.

"You are my princess." He says. "Soon I would like for you to be my queen." He says.

"I would be honored to be your queen." I say. I try to hold back the happy tears but I can't. I am so happy with my life, with everything. His the love of my life.

"Moma Rug?" I ask once we enter their big house.

"Hey Y/n." Papa Rug says.

"Y/n hey." Mama Rug greets me pulling me into a hug.

"Brian said you were coming over." Papa Rug says.

"We're about to eat do want to join us?" She asks.

"I would but I just came to pick up something from Brian. I need it to help my niece. I'm sorry." I say.

"Ohh it's okay Y/n, go to Brian's room." She says.

"Thank you." I say giving her a smile and making my way towards Brains room. "Hey you." I greet with a smile. I peck his lips.

"When are we telling your parents and mine?" I ask.

"When do you want to?" He asks.

"Today at dinner with your parents and tomorrow at dinner with my parents. I just need my swimsuit." I say. He hand it to me and kiss me. "See you later babe." I say.

"See you later." He says with a smile on his face.

I get ready for dinner with my soon to be parents, it's weird but I like the ring to it. Mama and papa rug will be my mama and papa rug.

"You look gorgeous." Brian says making me smile. I turn around to see my good looking fiancé. "Handsome as ever." I smile.

"Are you ready?" He asks

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"Are you ready?" He asks. I nod my head. "Are you?" I ask. "Yes." He says as he holds my hand in his.

We're waiting on Brian's and my parents to arrive. We ended up having dinner together since it would be more convenient. My parents arrive we greet them and shortly after they arrive Brian's parents arrive we greet them. We talk for a bit.

"We have something for to tell you." Brian says.

"What is it hun?" My mom asks. I smile.

"You're not pregnant are you?" My dad asks.

"No we aren't." I say. I have four parents looking concern at Brian and I. "We're engaged." I say holding my left hand up.

"Congratulations." Moma rug says. Hey get up and congratulate us. "After the wedding take some time as a married couple and then have kids." She tells me. "Now don't let him get you pregnant so quick." She adds making me blush deeply.

"Mom I won't, I'll wait a year or two of being married." Brian assures her making her smile.

Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below.
Updated: August 3rd, 2017

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