Heart broken girl|| Nordan

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*play Bee's song.
At the Faze House LA
I check the group chat and the big news is that Nordan and Y/n broke up.

Y/n dump me.


She found out he cheated.

I make my way towards Nordans room.

"What's up Blaze?" Nord asks. I don't respond I just connect my fist to his face.

"You fuckien ass, you hurt my best friend! THATS THE ONE PERSON I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT" I scream. "Now man up" I scream.

"Yo wait calm down guys" Apex says running in the room with Adapt.

"If she sheds a tear I won't think twice of hurting you Nordan, mark my words." I say walking away.

Y/n p.o.v.

I hear a knock on the door I open it and it reveals my best friend Blaze. He pulls me into a hug and whispers "I'm so sorry."

"Me too." I hug him. I cry on his shoulder.

"I'm honestly so sorry." He whispers. His voice cracks.

"Why?" I ask.

"I was at that party with him. I didn't notice Y/n I'm sorry. I failed you." He says making my heart break even more. I hold his face.

"You didn't fail me. He's a grown person, he makes his own decisions. You can't blame yourself for something you didn't do." I say looking at him into his eyes.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." He says.

"I have you here, I'll live." I say. "It's not the first time it happened." I say.

"WELL IT SHOULDN'T KEEP HAPPENING." He screams angry. He's angry at Nordan. I am too. It hurts so bad, he isn't the first whose cheated on me.

"Who's party was it at?" I ask.

"Banks and Rices." He says. I nod my head.

"I need ice cream." I say making my way toward he kitchen and take out the ice cream and Nutella. "I'm shove my face and watch friends and I'll be happy. I'll focus on myself and my career. I DON'T NEED HIM." I scream. I begin to cry once again. Lucas just holds me.


After crying and don't leave the house for two days. There's no third day, I get dressed to go to the gym and work out. No more crying for boys who aren't worth it, he isn't worth it. I Don't need him. He doesn't deserve me. I work on my kick boxing with Joseph.

"What's going on in that pretty head?" He asks stopping us.

"Just over thinking." I say.

"Well little sis that doesn't help." I turn to see my older brother Adan and little brother Andrew. I run to them and hug them. "We heard you were having trouble, why didn't you tell me?" Andan asks. I shrug.

"You just seemed so busy and Andrew you had your whole thing with Erin. I didn't want to ruin your happiness." I say.

"Y/n you're a Delgado, you can always come to us. No matter what." Andrew hugs me.

"I know but it just didn't fill right." I say. Adan hugs me. "I'm not going to cry for him. " I hug him. "Not anymore, he doesn't deserve one more tear." I say. "I need to delete all my Instagram post with him and of him." I say.

"I know you're going to be okay, you always are." Adan says.

"Joseph said we could take off. He will train you when you're better." Andrew says. I nod my head and grab my bag. We talk about the whole situation on our way home.

"Y/n would you like to move in with me?" Adan asks.

"Don't ask me that because you think I can't look after myself." I say.

"I was going to ask you before I found out. You help me a lot, you keep me on check." He says.

"Yeah you do. He's going to get kicked out of his place." Andrew says.

"You haven't even lived there for half a year." I look at Adan with a concern face.

"That's why I need you." He says.

"Fine." I say. "Honestly thank you guys for coming to the rescue." I say.

"Brother to the rescue. Lucas called us and he fought Nordan. He deserves it, I should hurt him. We want to be here for our little heart broken sis." Adan says.

"Yeah we came to help you big sis. I would love to help." Andrew adds. "I'm sure Lee, and Trent would like to. They look at you like a little sister." He says.

"At least Lee does." Adan says.

"What did you say? I heard it just explain yourself." I say.

"Trent sees you like more than a sister." Adan says as I delete all of mine and Nordans pictures. I don't unfollow or block I'll just show him how happy I am without him.

"I don't want anyone right now." I say looking at them. "I just need me time." I say giving them a small smile.

Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below. I changed the names bc I didn't like them anymore.
Updated: August 6, 2017

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