Daddy Issues|| Nick Johnson

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"You want to come with me?" Nick asks.

"Yeah sure." I say.

"Guys look who's actually going with me to get a hair cut." Nick says into the camera.

"Me." I scream coming into frame. "His best friend." I smile.

"As you guys may or may not know Y/n, came to visit me. So I have her for a few days before she goes back to California." Nick says.

"Hey daddy." I turn to look at a girl no older than 14 calling Nick daddy. Nick looks so uncomfortable. I make my way toward him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hey Baby." I say. "Did I just hear you call my boyfriend daddy?" I ask the girl.

"Yes you did, boo you whore." She says.

"That movie was out before you were born." I tell her. "And you shouldn't go around calling guys daddy, I don't think your parents would approve of that." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and walks away talking on the phone. After she left I just start laughing.

"That was weird." Nick says.

"And hilarious." I say in between laughters.

"More like uncomfortable." He says.

"Oh  my  god  she  called  you  daddy." I say in between laughs.

"I'm get my hair cut done." He says walking into the barber shop.

"So yeah guys this girl no older than 14 called me daddy." I hear Nick say. I look at him and lose it. "It's not funny." He says. "It was pretty uncomfortable." He says causing me to laugh even more.

"That's why it was funny." I say after I finish laughing. Nick just rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry best friend but it was hilarious." I admit.

"You wouldn't think it's funny if someone calls you mami." He says.

"I laugh at it when it's young horny boys." I say.

"Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable?" He asks.

"I laugh at it, I see them as babies. I don't know." I shrug.

"You're weird." He says.

"I'm your best friend." I stick out my tongue at him which causes his to laugh.


"So what do you want to do?" Nick asks me.

"I just want to chill, I don't want to go out." I say.

"I was trying to go out." He says.

"But I don't want to." I say. "I'm so lazy at the moment." I say. "Awe." I say. "Let's stay home and watch Netflix." I say.

"And chill?" He smirks. I raise my eyebrows at Nick and shake my head.

"Not today, buddy." I laugh.

"Oh well I tried." He shrugs causing me to laugh even more.

"You're so dumb." I laugh.

"You still love me." He sticks out his tongue.

"Mhm yeah sure let's go with that." I say.

"Why you lie?" He asks.

"Am not." I say.

"Are too." He says. "Why you lie?" He asks again.

"Shut up." I giggle. Nick wraps his arms around me so he's hugging me from behind.

"Why you lie?" He asks.

"I'm not lying." I laugh, he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Why you lie?" He asks again.

"I don't know. Josh." I say.

"Ahh I see you've been taking to Rain lately." He says.

"Yeah, Josh is cool." I shrug.

"He's taking over my best friend." He says.

"Shut up josh. I still love you." I say.

"Ha yes! She admits it!" Nick says proudly.

"Get away." I unwrap his arms and walk away pretending to be butt hurt.

"Ugh, come on Y/n!" Nick says. I lay down on my belly on Nicks bed, I feel the bedside next to me sink in. I feel the smile on my lips trying to break free but I bite it down.

"Come on Josh." Nick says laying down next to me. He grabs my hand and begins playing with my fingers. "Come on Y/n, you know you want to talk to me." He pokes my side and I try to hard not to laugh. "Babygirl come on." He says, I let him beg for a while for a while I mean like twenty minutes. I look up already see him looking at me, I give him a smile telling him it's okay. He gives me a smiles which is totally cute.

"You're so ugly." I tell Nick.

"Well you're rude with the Spanish R." He says. I hold his checks in my hand.

"Kidding best friend." I say.

"I know you were, because I am good looking." He says.

"Now don't get cocky with me." I say causing us to laugh.


Updated: Feb 17, 2017

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