Fights||F.Temperrr Req

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*for coolgirlthemonologue

"I need to go grab something. I'll be right back." I tell Tommy. He nods his head. Tommy and I have hit a rocky place in our relationship. It's like we're walking on eggshells around each other. I hate being like this, I don't want to fight with him. I hate fighting with him. He's laying on the bed and I lay next to him and open up my laptop and finish some work. He turns up the tv and laughing which distracts me.

"Babe you think you can lower the volume?" I ask. He sighs and lowers it a bit I go back to working and he keeps laughing. I mean it is pretty funny because he's watching Ridiculousness. "Babe, can you please watch it in another room?" I ask.

"Can you go do your work in your study? We have one for a reason? I've had a long day Y/n." Tommy says.

"So have I and I need this lighting here, it doesn't hurt my eyes." I say.

"Can you just listens to music or something?" He asks. I'm getting real tired of fighting all the time. I close my laptop.

"I give up Tommy, we're always fighting and most of the time I don't even know why." I say looking at him. I hate it when we fight and he knows.

"We need to talk about things. We can't keep arguing." I say. He turns the tv down. "We can't just ignore the fact that we're upset and we aren't speaking I feel like I'm walking on egg shells Tommy and I hate it. I can feel it, everyone can feel it when they are around us. What is going on with us?" I ask. He looks into my eyes, he's beautiful dark eyes are clouded with tears. I don't want to see him cry.

"I need to know what you're thinking, I need to know, we need to work on our relationship together." I say.

"It's us against the problem, not us against each other." He says making me smile. "I'm tired of a lot of things Y/n, I really am. I just feel so exhausted all the time and I get annoyed quick and I don't understand why. I'm trying to understand, my own body. I don't want to be mad at you, and I hate feeling this way and I know you're going through things and you love me and I love you. I hate fighting about us fighting so I'm calling times out." He says. I nod my head. "I love you, I love you so much, I've love you like I've never loved anyone Y/n and you drive me insane and I still love you. I love the fact that you run around smiling and teasing me when I'm busy and you drive me insane with your sarcasm and you're flirtiness. I have this feeling that one day you'll realize that I don't deserve you and then you'll leave me." He says.

"Why are we fighting? There's no point!" I say. "I love you and you make me a mad women. I wouldn't leave you, you make me hate you and I still love you. I dislike a lot of people and I wouldn't want to go through the beginning of a relationships when I have one with this amazing, fatigues person standing right in front of me." I say making him smile. I make my way to his side of the room and kiss him.

"I love your crazy ass." He says once we pull away. I smile wildly admiring my amazing hot man.

Hope you enjoy it babe. coolgirlthemonologue It was good day today, I'm so happy. I'm working on imagines. I even added a pic bc I haven't posted in forever.
Updated: September 21, 2018

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