Story time?|| Rain

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"So Y/n?" Teeqo asks.

"What's up?" I ask smiling.

"How did you and my boy Rain meet?" He asks.

"Oh no not again." Rain says. I give him a confused look.

"Rain hasn't told us the story." Teeqo says.

"Of what?" I ask lost.

"Of how you two love birds meet." Lucas says leaning on the island.

"Well Rain and I-" I was cut off by a hand going over my mouth. I realize it was Nordan's hand and I remove it from my over my mouth. "Don't do that." I tell him. He gives me his cute little boy look. I give him they 'I don't care look' knowing that he won't convince me.

"Well basically I thought Nordan was hot and I befriend him." I say.

"We need more dam details!" Banks says sassily.

"Banks you already know the story." Nordan says.

"Yeah I do BUT I WANT to hear it again." He shrugs.

"Why?" Nordan whines.

"Because I find it amusing how you two meet and how Y/n acted upon it." Banks says.

"How did Y/n act upon it?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah how did Y/n act upon it?" Alex asks.

"I want to hear." Apex says.

"Story time?" CBass asks.

"No no story time." Nordan says.

"I think they want to hear it." I say.

"I think no." Nordan says.

"Calm down Shat." I say.

"You do if you actually marry Rain you'll be Mrs.Shat." Blaziken says.

"I'm aware." I say.

"But that's not going to happen because Rains my man. So back off Y/n." Alex says goofing around.

"You can have him, honey." I shrug.

"You're not going to to fight for me babe?" Rain asks surprised. I shrug and Nordan places his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Calm down buttercup." I say.

"You're being so mean lately." Nord says.

"Just to rude people." I say.

"Y/n's the nicest person ever!" Blaziken says.

"I know right." I agree with him.

"It's probably just Nord being annoying." Adapt says.

"Yeah it's probably that." Teeqo adds. I feel someone wrap their arms around my legs and pick me up and take me. I realize it's Nordan.

"I guess no story time." I hear Alex say.

"Babe put me down." I squeeze his butt. He places me down once we're in his room.

"I could of walked you know." I tell him.

"I know but I didn't want my baby getting tired." He says.

"I didn't mean it as in me getting tired. How come you don't want them to hear the story?" I ask him.

"Cause everytime they hear it they tease me about it for a whole week or until they forget it." He says.

"Awe my big baby." I say wrapping my arms around his waist. I do tippy toes to try to kiss him but he's still to tall. I pout my lips indicating that I want a kiss. He comes closer and I peck his lips. "Feeling better now?" I ask him. He nods his head with a big smile.

"Babe." Nord calls out for me.

"In your room." I say. He comes in with his camera. "What's up?" I ask him sitting up, leaning on his dashboard. He lays down and I begin to run my fingers through his hair.

"So Babe the fans wanted to know, well more like having been dying to know. I actually always forget to ask her this question when I'm with her. But what are you thoughts on the R8?" He asks.

"It's a nice car. It's very different for me, I'm so use to big-" "-Dicks" Nordan says, I turn around and give the bitch really face.

"What I was saying is that I'm use to big cars." I say.

"Y/n actually doesn't like how fast it can go. She actually detests when I go fast, she gets scared and worried something might happen." He says as I run my fingers through his hair.

"I'm scared something might happen to you." I tell him.

"When she sees my videos or the snapchats from the Faze house she calls me right away to make sure I'm okay. Which is totally cute." He says causing my checks to flush. "Awe look GUYS Y/n is blushing." He points out.

"I worry about my baby." I come closer and pecks his lips.

"I worry about you too. I'm glad you do." He says. "Well that was somewhat story time." He says to the camera. He does his outro and then lays next to me and pulls me closer to cuddle.

Happy birthday to my baby Johnson 💗
Updated: March 24, 2017

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