Little brother|F.Blaze

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* I like this one.
I'm at the mall with my little brother. I'm helping him pick out new clothes to dress nicer. I think he has a crush on a girl and wants to look cute.

"Y/n Blaze and Rice are in this mall lets go." He makes me drop the clothes and pulls me out the store. I follow him, I don't try to fight with him. I don't want to keep him from meeting his idols, I was like that too. "They're there." He points out.

"Go up and talk to them." I say. He does I follow him. "I'll give you some privacy." I say. He shakes his head.

"Don't leave me alone, prevent me from saying something stupid." He says. I nod my head. I had my older cousin to stop me from saying something stupid when I met my idols. He greets them and they talk to him got a while. He's smiling as he talks to them. Rice is talking to a fan I guess. I sometimes watch his videos from time to time.

"Is that your mom?" The white kid asks my little brother, I'm assuming that's Blaze. He shakes his head. "That's my older sister." He say. "Y/n this is Lucas aka Blaze." He introduces us. I give home a smile. "You look familiar." Blaze says.

"Oh." I say. "She models and dates Jack Johnson." Aiden my little brother says making my eyes widen. Well it's more like I dated Jack, we broke up a few weeks ago and I haven't told my little brother because he loves Jack. He would be heartbroken.

"I think I might have seen you in an event." Lucas says. I nod my head. "I met Nordan and Alex." I say.

"You didn't tell me." Aiden says with widen eyes.

"You want to meet them?" Blaze asks Aiden. He nods his head with a wide smile. "I think I could arrange that for you with your sister and the boys." He says. Shit he just ruined my surprise. We exchange twitter information. My brother and I go back to shopping after I take some pictures of them together.

I told Blaze about Nordans and I's plan so they could meet my little brother since he loves all of the guys. I kinda wish I had an older sister like 12 years older than me to do this for me when I was a kid. I mean I have a brother two years olde than I am. He was great at times.

"Are you ready?" I scream calling down my little brother.

"I'm going." He screams. "Where are we going and why do I have to be dressed nice?" He asks annoyed.

"Trust little brother you'll be thankful for me." I say. He just nods his head and we make our way towards my car. Minutes before we get there I make him put on a bandana and earphones and blast music.

"Is he okay?" The guard asks. I nod my head. "I'm surprising him with his favorite people." I say. "The faze guys?" He asks. I nod my head. "Nice." he comments. He calls to make buzz us in, he opens the gates for us.

"Are we there yet?" He asks.

"Almost." I scream loudly. As soon as we park inside the drive way, I get out the car and make it to the passenger side. I help him get off. We make our way inside the Faze house. I lead him to the "dinning room". I pause the music. "Take off your earphones first." I instruct. He does as told. I stand by the boys to see his face expression. "Take off the blindfold." I say. He does as told, his eyes adjust to the light and his mouth widens once he seems the boys. "Say hi they don't bite." I say. The boys go up to him and greet him.

"You're the best sister ever." He says smiling.

"I can agree on that." I say making the boys laugh. Blaze and I talked a lot, he also interacted with my brother.

"Can I have your number?" Blaze ask.

"You can add me on Snapchat." I say making him smile. We add each other on Snapchat.

"How about a date?" He asks.

"How about too soon?" I ask making him chuckle.


Updated:September 22, 2017

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