I miss you||F.Blaze

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"Y/n, so you have any plans tonight?" Lucas asks I shake my head. "Good." He says. I just shrug my shoulders and continue to pick up the table. "How do you feel like going for a walk?" Lucas asks.

"I would love that, but I am so tired," I say.

"Come on." He says.

"Fine," I say giving in. If I don't he won't stop until I give in. "I'm just doing this cause you're my best friend," I say. He nods his head and leads me outside. We walk in silence for a bit. We take a seat on a bench.

"I have a confession," Lucas says.

"Me too," I say.

"I haven't told you this because I was scared. I didn't know how you'd react but I don't care anymore. I like you a lot, I've liked you for some time now." He confessed making my heart skip a beat and my stomach does flips.

"I like you Lucas I really do." I say. He pulls me into a short kiss. "I'm moving back Irvine." I say. He pulls away.

"When?" He asks.

"Coming this fall." I say. He nods his head.

"We have some time before you move back." He says.

"I don't want to do a long distance relationship." I say. His face completely fell, he wasn't expecting me to say that. It looks like he's trying to process what I just said.

"Then we will just enjoy our time together." He says holding my hand. My heart aches, I caused him pain, caused me, us pain and I'm so sorry that I did. I pull our laced hands close to my lips and kiss his, I lean on him and we admire the stars.

Turkey week Break

"Hey Luca there's someone here looking for you." Nordans says, he gives me a smile. I return it, I'm happy I'm seeing Lucas. I mean we speak at least twice a week but it's good to see him in person.

"Who?" Luca asks coming down. His eyes land on me as he walks down the stairs. I met him at the bottom of the stairs and embrace him into a big warm hug. I kiss his check. "I've missed you Lucas." I whisper into his ear. "I've missed you so much too." He says. We pull away and I smile at him, he smiles back. "How have you been?" I ask.

"Good." He says. "You?" He asks. "School, so busy." I say. I admire his beautiful face, his gorgeous smile. God I love that smile of his, he's so gorgeous.

"Are those professors giving you a hard time?" He asks making me smile. "They expect so much of me." I say smiling.

"Okay love birds the foods ready." Cheo says. We make our way to the kitchen where I properly greet all the boys, with hugs. We eat and catch on, I'm sitting next to Lucas. His hand is resting on my lap, giving it a squeeze every so often making sure that I'm right next to him. The boys tell me stories making me laugh, and what they do and their plans. I tell them about school and my plans next semester. Which compared for them aren't much, but it's a lot.

After eating and catching up Lucas and I go up to his room. We talking about life as we lay on his bed. My hand is laced in his, with my head rested on his chest. I don't want this moment to end, I kiss him. I pull away and smile at him, admiring his beautiful face.

"I've missed this." I say.

"I have too." He says looking into another kiss.

Hope you guys enjoy this. I tried my best & sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while. Hope y'all still love me.
Updated: Dec 21, 2018

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