You pussy|| Banks

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I'm chilling with the boys at the Faze house

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I'm chilling with the boys at the Faze house. I've been friends with them for a while.

"Ha I beat y'all pussys!" My boyfriend Banks yells at Adapt and Blaziken.

"You cheated!" Blaziken screams.

"How? I just beat y'all!" Banks screams getting up.

"You cheated!" Blaziken says again.

"You just mad since I beat you bro!" Banks says. I see Adapt laughing his ass off. I pretend I'm not paying attention cause I don't want to be dragged into their arguments and pick a side.

"Haidee please tell Banks he cheated." Blaziken says. I look up from my phone to see Blaziken and Banks starring at me. I turn to look at Alex for help, he shrugs.

"I wasn't paying attention I'm sorry boys." I say.

"You pussy." Banks tells Blaziken.

"Cheater." Blaziken comments. I get up and start making my way up to Banks room cause honestly I don't want to hear their argument.

"Hey Haidee." Apex greets.

"Hey Apex." I wave.

"They're arguing again?" He asks.

"Yeah, I didn't feel like being apart of it." I say.

"I feel yah." He says.

"You pussy!" I hear Banks yell and then I hear something bang. I run down stairs to Alex's room with Apex trailing behind me. Once I get there I see broken glass on the floor.

"Really bro?" Alex asks. Blaziken looks scared and Banks looks annoyed.

"Banks." I whisper. This side of him is sometimes scary and this is one of the times.

"What?" He snaps.

"What happened?" I ask them.

"We were playing and Banks kind of lost it and threw the glass." Blaziken says.

"You pussy why'd you have to tell her." Banks yells at Blaziken says which causes him to flinch.

"Banks calm down." Apex says.

"I'll talk to him." I say. They leave the room and I shut the door and make my way towards Banks. I feel like I am at disadvantage since he's 6'5 and I am 5'3. I take his hands in mine and lead him to sit on Alex's bed. I stand in between his legs.

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