Rains best friend || Banks

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"It's okay. You're here with me. Shh." Rain whispers.

I explain what happened to Rain.

"You kissed him back? Did you enjoy it?" He asks.

"I did. Then I came back to reality and I can't go back." I say.


It's been days and I've kind been avoiding Banks since I feel embarrassed about the whole situation. I've decided to stay for a while longer with Rain.

"Hey." Banks greets.

"Hey." I smile.

"How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm fine, you?" I ask.

"I'm good." He smiles. I nod my head.

"So..." he says.

"Mhm?" I ask. His eyes land on my lips. He moves closer to me. "Banks?" I ask him.

"Yes?" He ask making eye contact.

"About the video?" I ask him.

"Yeah we should totally do one." He says moving away.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Never have I ever?" Banks asks.

"I'm down." I say.

Banks and I film the video and he wants to edit it so I let him cause let's be honest yo girl don't want to spend time editing.

"I'm done with it." Bank announces. "You want to go over it?" He asks.

"Yea sure." I say. We make our way to his room to watch the video before posting it. "Thank you for editing the video." I tell Banks after we finish watching it. "You did an amazing job." I hug him, he slowly wraps his arms around me.

"No problem Y/n." He says.

"Now just to up load it." I say. He's uploading the video and we're so close. He's making me so nerves. I'm sitting on his chair while he's uploading the video, we're not even touching! Jesus Christ Y/n, calm down!

"You okay there?" He asks. "You seem a little nervous." He says.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile. He nods his head.

"It will be up in some minutes." He says moving away from me. No don't go, stay. I nod my head. 

I go on twitter trying to ignore the sexual tension in the room. I just see retarded things on their so I leave the app.

"So..." banks says.

"Yeah?" I ask looking up from my phone.

"I'm glad we filmed a video." He says.

"I am too Banks." I say smiling.


Banks and I have been spending the past few days together and there's totally some sexual tension between us two. We're currently in Banks room and I'm laying on his bed while he's on his computer.

"Am I the only one feeling it?" Banks asks breaking the silence.

"I feel it too." I admit.

"What do we do about it?" He asks. I shrug. "Jesus Christ you're so cute." He says.

"You think I am cute?" I ask.

"Everyone does." Banks says. "Well more like hot and beautiful." He says. He's good looking and he thinks I am hot. Don't mind me. I make my way to him and place my lips on his, they move in sync. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down to sit on his lap. I move from his lips down to his neck and I bite down and suck causing him to moan. He grips my ass in his hands. I bring my lips back to his and move my hips, which is rubbing myself against him causing him to moan. He wraps his arms around my waist and gets up and I wrap my legs around him. He places me down on his bed and hovers over me. I pull him down into a kiss.

"You're a good kisser." I tell him.

"I could say the same thing about you baby." He says leaving a trail of kisses on my neck.

"Y/n where are you?" I hear Rain scream. Banks and I pull away quickly.

"In Banks room." I scream comming through my hair.

"Do you want anything from the store? Alex and I are going." He asks.

"No thank you I'm good." I scream.

"Does Banks want anything?" He asks. I turn to look at Banks and he shakes his head.

"No we're both good, thanks best friend." I scream.

"No problem. Don't do anything I wouldn't. Kidding." He screams.

"I think we should go out on a date before something like that happens again." He says.

"What do you have in mind Banks?" I ask grinning at him.

"You, me and pizza?" He asks.

"How about you, me some burgers and ice cream." I say.

"Sounds even better." He smiles.

"Of course, it's burgers we're talking about." I laugh.


Updated: Jan 13, 2017

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