Break his||F. Jzpr

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"Is it crazy?" I ask. "That we lay under the same stars at the same hour just a lot of miles away." I whisper.

"But now we're here." Jasper says.

"I don't want this to end, I want this for longer." I say.

"Just enjoy it for now. While we have it." He says.

"I don't want it just for now." I say selfishly. "I want it for than just a moment. I know I'm being selfish, I know that. But for the first time I don't care, I want you with me here. Not just in my heart but here with me." I say. He pulls me into a kiss.

"Y/n wake up." Nordan moves me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Do you want anything from Starbucks?" He asks. I shake my head. "Lucas and I are going, you sure?" He asks. I shake my head. "Alright I'll be back in a while." He says.

"Take care." I whisper.

"Nordan." I hear Apex say.

"He just left." I say snuggling in my brothers bed.

"I need to talk to you." Apex says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Have you told Nordan about Jasper?" He asks. I shake my head. "Y/n you can't keep lying to your brother." He says.

"It's easier." I say. He raises an eyebrow at me. "Apex you're mine and my brothers best friend. You know how he is, I'm his little sister." I say.

"I also know Nordan would do anything to see you happy and if it's moving you across the world he would do that." He says. "You know he would drop anything for you." He adds.

"Is it cause he's Rain?" I ask making him laugh.

"I swear you are his sister. You're so dumb." He says laughing.

"I'll talk to him." I say.

"Good cause Jasper doesn't deserve to be hidden." He says. "You don't ether." He adds on. I nod.


"Hey Nordan can I speak to you for a minute?" I ask.

"Oh please don't tell me your pregnant." Tommy says joking around.

"We used a condom." I say adding on.

"TOMMY." Nordan screams.

"Oh oh." Apex says.

"It's a JOKE! I wouldn't sleep with Tommy! That's gross." I say.

"So rude." Tommy gasps.

"I'm sorry Tommy. You're good looking and everything but my girl Morgan was with you. Hoes before bros." I say dumbly.

"Yeah she's totally related to Rain." Apex says. I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Nordan please. Can we talk? In private?" I ask. We go to his room. "Can you take seat?" I ask.

"Y/n what's going on? You're scaring me." He says.

"I'm dating Jasper." I say.

"You're dating Jasper?" He asks.

"Yes." I say nodding my head.

"You're dating Jasper?" He asks again in confirmation.

"Yes I am Nordan. Before you say anything. I know I've gotten hurt before and you've warned me. But I like him I like him a lot and I have a good feeling about him. I feel like he likes me more than I like him. He went behind your back and dated me." I say. He stays quiet which kinda scares me.

"I um." He speaks up. "I'm get use to you dating Jasper. If he hurts I won't hesitate to hurt him." He says standing up and pulling me into a hug. "You're my little sister and I want to see you happy. Break his heart before he breaks yours. Kidding." He says making me laugh.

I like this one.
Updated:July 2nd, 2017

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