Q&A || Apex

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"No, stop." I complain as someone kisses me.

"Come on Haidee, get up lazy." Apex kisses me this time on the lips. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around him.

"No, I wanna cuddle." I say. He kisses me all over my face. "Apex." I whine. I then feel him leaving light kisses on my neck. "Baby please." I say annoyed.

"Mhmh?" He asks and finds my weak spot and sucks and bites down on it, I bite down the moan. "Come on get up." He says.

"Noo!" I moaned. I feel him give my butt a squeeze and him still leaving light kisses all over my neck. My hand goes down and brushes against Apex thigh, I turn around giving him my back. He begins kissing my shoulder and up neck. I push him back, I hear him chuckle. I'm trying to sleep and he doesn't let me, fine I'll give him something to laugh about. I turn around and burry my face in his neck and I remember his weak spot, I began by kissing his neck and then biting and suck and repeating the process until I'm sure he'll be marked while I rub myself against him, I know he's biting down the moan cause the rest of the boys in the house.

"I'm up." I say getting up after knowing I gave him a problem in his pants and a hickey.

"Rude." He says.

"Rude." I mimic him.

"Haidee." He warned.

"Apex." I copied his actions.

"Ugh, you're so difficult." He says.

"Ugh, you're so difficult." I say laughing."I think you should go fix your problem." I say referring to his situation down there.

"Well thanks to somebody." He says.

"Hey, you're the one who didn't let me sleep." I say defending myself. "But you're welcome." I smile.

"Hey Haidee. Baby someone just called me and I've asked them who gave them my number and they said you leaked it." Apex says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I've gotten calls from fans the whole day and I've asked some where they got my number from and they said you leaked it on Twitter." He says.

"Apex I've literally been with you all day and all I've posted was about you, it was a picture of you and me laying together earlier when you took a nap." I say. "Check my tweets." I say.

"Haidee you do know if you did do this you can come clean and I won't get mad." He says.

"Go on Twitter and check my shit." I say annoyed. "It's sad how you don't believe your own girlfriend." I say.

"Haidee, I have been getting g calls from a lot of fans today and some told me you leaked it." He says.

"Fine believe whatever you want, but check my Twitter all my social medias. I haven't leaked shit." I say laying down on his bed, I feel the bed sink besides me.

"What?" I ask.

"Babe it was a dare. Chill, Adapt and Rain have been the ones calling me." He says.

"Ugh." I moan out annoyed.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks.

"I'm bothered." I say.

"Will a kiss make it better?" He asks. I nod my head. He kiss me which I absolutely love, he was so sweet and tender with me.

"The fans want to know your thoughts on the beard?" He says.

"Well I love it. I've always liked guys with beards, well some and Apex looks amazingly hot with it so I very much enjoy it." I say. "And it's hot and it's just I don't know. I just love it a lot." I say.

"So basically it makes her panties wet." He says griping my thigh.

"That's all you baby." I kiss him. "You're going to have that cut out since my mom watches your videos." I say.

"Maybe." He says.

"You better." I say.

"The fans also want to know how do I feel dating a Latina?" He says.

"Yeah babe how do you feel about dating a Latina?" I ask.

"Amazing, I mean you're amazing, you're such an amazing person, I haven't met a girl like her before. Her being Latina is a bonus, when she gets angry and throws shit I'm like WOOH oh shit I could die or we can be kinky about it." He says.

"Cochino." I say.

"She just called me nasty boy." He says. I smirk. "I'm learning I'm learning." He says causing me to laugh.

"Hey little guy, hey Haidee." Adapt greets walking in into Apex room. "The fans wanted to know if you Haidee will ever leak Apex nudes?" He asks causing me to laugh.

"Maybe." I smile.

"What?" Apex asks.

"What?" I ask dumbly.

"There you have it guys. Maybe soon we'll see the little guys, little guy." Alex says walking out of Apex room.

"Would you actually?" Apex asks. I grin and him and shake my head.

"No, I wouldn't baby. That's mine and a lot of your girl fans would love to see that but that's only for me." I say.

"Only for you." He grins kissing me.

"It better." I say.

Ohh it's all I have to say.
Updated: Feb 24, 2017

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