Cheating|| F. Rain request

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Nordan and I are hanging out in his room. He's editing his video while Family Guy is playing in the background. I'm on my phone on twitter replying back to some of his fans. I check and it's a picture of him and this girl. She looks familiar I just ignore it.

"Hey Y/n?" Nord calls my name.

"Yes babe?" I question.

"Would you tell me if you're unhappy in our relationship?" He asks.

"Yes I would. Why the question?" I ask.

"Just wondering." He says. I walk to him and see him editing. I begin to give him a massage. I kiss his check. "You work too hard. Babe." I say. He keeps doing his thing. "Lets get away this weekend." I say. He nods his head.

"Where?" He asks.

"Yosemite, I haven't been there in a minute." I say.

"Okay just you and me this weekend." He turns around and kisses me.


"Nordan, is it true?" I ask with my face filled with worried. I'm scared for what he's going to say next. He looks at, raises his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" He asks confused.

"That you cheated Nordan." I say. His faces turns from confused to worried. "You cheated with the girl you lost your virginity to." I say looking at him with hurt.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry." He says. I nod my head. I look at him with disbelief. I am hurt.

"Well I'm sorry too." I say. My eyes tear up. "You know I can't do this Nordan. I can't be someone who cheated. It just hurts too much. It hurts here." I say placing my hand on my heart. I grab my purse and my phone. I walking out of his room with tears running down my face.

"Oh shit Y/n are you okay?" Apex ask. I shake my head. He pulls me into a hug. I pull away.

"I need to go, I need to get away. Thank your best friend for me." I say walking down the stairs quickly.

"Y/n please let me explain." Nordan screams after me. I run down the stairs even faster. I finally get to my car.

"I'll come back for the rest of the things on Thursday." I say driving away. Your love by little mix comes on which makes me shed tears. I pull over into a store parking lot and just let myself cry out the pain. I clean the tears away and grab my purse and make my way into the grocery store. I grab a cart and make my way towards the junk food. I grab Cheetos, cookies and candy, then I make my way towards the freezers. I grab a tubes of rocky road, cookies and cream, and strawberry cheesecake and I grab cheesecake. I place and make my way towards the checkout section. I pay for the things and make my way back to my car. I place everything in the car and tears escape my eyes as I remember when Nordan confessing that he did cheat. Why did he have to cheat why couldn't he just tell me he wasn't happy.

"Y/n? You okay?" I turn to look at Tommy who's with Clipz.

"I'm fine." I give him a weak smile. He pulls me into a hug. "I need to go." I say once we pull away from the hug.

"I know what Rain did. That was messed up and if you want me to take your things to your place I would willingly do so." He offers

"I need to face him, I don't want to hide. Thank you, it means a lot." I say.



To Tommy:
Hey is Nord home?

From Tommy:
no come, he's been at the gym for a minute. Your things are in boxes, Apex packed them for you.

To Tommy:
Omw, thanks love ❤️

I make my way inside the house. I'm greeted by Tommy.

"Hey you." I give him a small smile.

"Lets go get your things." He says. I nod my head and we go upstairs.

"Thank you for helping me putting my things in the car." I say placing the last box in the trunk.

"You don't have to thank me. You're my friend Y/n." He says. I hug him.

"Honestly thank you." I give him a small smile.

"Can I talk to you?" I hear Nordan asks.

"What?" I ask. Tommy takes that as his que and leaves.

"I fucked up and I am truly sorry Y/n. It's the biggest mistake I've done. I don't expect you to forgive quick but I do hope we can be friends in the near future." He say. "I still love you." He says.

"Look Nordan I care about you a lot but what you did hurt me terribly. It hurt and I can't be around people who hurt me not any time soon. If you couldn't take me seriously it's your lost I know my worth." I say closing the trunk. I make my way to the drivers door. "Goodbye Nordan Shat" I say getting in the car and leave.

This was a request from AnastasiaArocha  hope you like, I enjoyed writing, if you guys have any request dm or comment down below, request are always available. Vote, Comment, share if you'd like, I'd appreciate it a lot. Don't forget to check it my other stories.
Updated: June 23, 2017

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