What are you doing?||F.Nikan

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I wake up sore in between my legs. I look over and see a naked Nikan. One of his arms is wrapped around me. I unwrap his arm from me and I carefully get up and quickly get dressed.

"You're leaving?" Nikan asks in his morning voice.

"Yeah, I need to get going." I say. "Are you coming later on?" He asks as he's getting up.

"I'll stop by later tonight." I say as his going into the bathroom. He comes out and lays on his bed. I put on my shoes and walk to his side, I kiss him. He pulls me down onto him. "Nikan, I really have to go." I say once I pull away from the kiss. "Do you?" He asks. I nod my head. I kiss him again. "Are you sure?" He asks as he messages my butt. I nod my head, Jesus he will be the end of me. I get up, I peck his lips and make my way out.

"You guys were loud last night." Nick says. I raise my eyebrow at him. "I'm kidding I don't know, I wasn't even home." He says and relief washes over me. "Have a nice day Nick." I say.

"Same." He says. I leave and drive myself home to shower. I quickly shower and change then I make way to my shoot. My manger told me he already has my food there.

"Y/n looking fresh, we love a fresh face." My
Manager says. I give him a smile. "But you got a hickey" he says.

"I'll cover it, was it big boy again?" Manda the make artist asks. My checks turn red. "Oh it is" she says grinning. I take a seat as she gets started with my hair. I eat my breakfast. My manger is telling me about my schedule and reminding me I'm leave for a month to travel for shoots.

"Y/n What are you doing?" Manger Drew asks. I raise a brow at him. "Sleeping with Nikan?" He asks. "Ohh, That." I say. "I'm having fun." I add.

"Didn't you say you like the guy?" He asks. I shrug. "The guy clearly has feelings for you, last month that you left for two weeks he surprised you." He says.

"He has needs and I have needs." I shrug. "You guys just need the title, you guys are practically dating." He says. I roll my eyes. "Roll your eyes all you want, you know I'm right. Now when we go away I want you to things about what you want." He says. I nod my head.


I'm laying in bed with Nikan watching The Office on Netflix. I'm cuddling up to him, we're just chilling.

"So I'm going to be gone for weeks." I tell Nikan. He turns to look at me. "Exactly how long?" He asks.

"I don't know maybe three to four weeks." I say rubbing my temples.

"Do what you have to do." He says sincerely.

"I've always have, it's my job and I love my job." I say. He looks into my eyes, his stare is hard, it's dragging me in making me get lost. I pull him closer and kiss him. "Thank you." I say once I pull away. I cuddle with him.

Weeks later

"So you're back now?" Nick asks.

"Yes and I'm here to see Nikan." I say.

"I need to know if you're going to break his heart, again? I need to be there for him." Tommy says. It surprised me, I didn't think me leaving would hurt Nikan bad. "You left for a month and half, you just left him. After you guys had a great night." He adds.

"We had to deal with him, we saw the aftermath while you were enjoying yourself in resorts." Nick says, it stings a little.

"I was doing my job." I say defensively.

"You left him Y/n, you left to take care of you and you use him as your mat." Nick says. "I need to talk to Nikan, I'm here to talk to Nikan not you guys." I say.

"Guys you didn't see her when she left, so move aside." Apex says. I give him a small smile.

"Or else?" Tommy tests.

"Tommy, don't. I saw both sides. I know what happened. You guys dealt with Nikan while we had Y/n and Nikan." Rain says causing Tommy to move aside. I walk to Nikans room. I knock on the door and I hear him say "come in." I open the door and see his room cleaned up a bit. He has shirts here and there.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He gives me a small smile.

"How are you?" I ask. "Honestly?" He asks. "Heartbroken Y/n, you just leave out of blue when things start getting real." He says. "And you use the work excuse, and I'm getting tired of it." He says.

"So what do you want? What are we Y/n? I'm tired of us being hot and cold." He says. "I went away this time and I realized I want everything with you. I don't want to keep leaving and leaving you sad and hurt. I got a lot of shit from the boys for hurting and I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to." I say. He kisses me. "Don't leave me to figure shit out Y/n, you have me. We can figure shit out together." He says. I pull him into a passionate kiss.

Sorry for not posting since April. I got very busy with school. Guys pray for me I'm taking my SAT tomorrow, and I'm scared. Well hope you enjoy!
Updated:June 1, 2018

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