Jealous?P.2|| F. Blaze

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"Thank you for the ride." I thank Andy.

"No problem Y/n, you should go and spend more time with Lucas." He says. "He doesn't like me and I know so, don't even deny it to make me feel better. He's your man, go make him happy." He adds. I hug him.

"Goodnight Andy." I say pulling away and going inside.

"Nice to see you." Lucas says.

"Hey." I give him a smile. "You look good." I comment.

"Thank you. So do you. A little too good." He says. "You'd look better laying underneath me on my bed though." He says which surprises me.

"Are you seducing me?" I ask teasing him.

"I think I am."He says with a smirk fiddling on his lips. I peck his lips.

"Good cause it's working." I say.

"I don't like him close to you" Lucas says.

"I'm sorry he's my friends" I give him a little frown.

"I don't like it, I don't like him" he says.

"Just don't" I brush off the situation. He huffs out in frustration.

"Just like you didn't like Lorena being around me." He says.

"Don't compare him to her. He isn't trying to get between us. If anything he encourages me to spend more time with you and be more lovable." I say. "We've been over this Lucas." I whisper.

"You're so blind." He says. "He wants you Y/n, he wants you." He says.

"Well I can give a rats ass if he wants me. I don't want him, I want you and I have you and I plan on staying with just you." I say making a small smile break on his face. "So shut up and stop saying he wants me, and kiss me you fool." I say and he pulls me into a kiss, it's passionate and hot. He pull away and make our way to his room.

"Babe I don't think I'd want to be with anyone after being with you. I love and if it makes you feel better I'll stop seeing Andy, as often. I need you to trust me, I feel like you don't trust me." I say. He kisses me, it's a passionate, hot, steamy kiss. I love it when kisses me like this.

"I trust you love, I don't like him. Thank you for putting in effort into our relationship." He says. I kiss him hard. I lay on him, he wraps his arms around my waist, his hands resting on my butt. He squeezes it making me laugh.

"You're my everything love, I would do anything for you. I would fight Lorena again. I would also fight Andy if he tries to come between a us. I told you I was in it with you and only you. You're my forever and I mean it with I say I want everything with you." I say emphasizing everything.

"I really love you and I love how you do the fighting, in real life. I suck at fighting but I'll fight for you, for us any day of the week." I say.

Hope you enjoy!
Updated: June 22, 2018

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