Hometown||F. Adapt

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Alex and I decided to drive back to his hometown. It's been a great road trip so far, last time Alex came I couldn't come because I had made plans with my friends. He had his own place so he films with Milan there.

"Have you finished the chapters you promised your editor you'd finish?" He asks.

"Yes, I've sent them in." I smile.

"Good." He says.

"Do you have an idea of what video to do with Milan?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He smiles. I think it's cute when he does videos with Milan, I️ love seeing them bond.


"I'm so glad we're here," I say laying on his bed.

"Me too." He lays down next to me.

"Around what time we're going to your parent's house?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, let's just rest for some hours and then we go." He says. I nod my head.

After some hours of sleeping, Alex moves me. "mhm" I let out.

"You should change we're going to my parents," Alex informs me. I get up and make my way towards the bathroom. I begin my routine, we didn't sleep for hours it was actually for an hour. I take a quick shower without wetting my hair that was in braids so I take them out, it looks cute. I wash my face and change out of my clothes.

"Are you ready?" Alex asks.

"Yes, baby," I say coming out.

"Mom said we're going to a have dinner out,"Alex informs me.

"Well that's good now I don't feel overdressed." I smile.

"I like it when you're overdressed, I think it's hot," he says wrapping his arms around my waist

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"I like it when you're overdressed, I think it's hot," he says wrapping his arms around my waist. I grab my purse and we head out to the restaurant. The drive is quiet I admire the scenery. We wait for Alex's family to arrive, as soon as they do we greet them. They are lovely, Alex mother is an absolute sweetheart also his sisters. Alex and his dad engage in a conversation as I do with his mother and his sisters.

"So are you going to film with Milan?" I️ ask him once we get back from dinner to their parents home.

"I'm not but you are," He says.

"What?" I ask.

"She wants to interview you, just how I️ interviewed her boyfriend," he says.

"But I️ don't do videos," I️ say a bit scared.

"Babe you've done videos with me before," He says.

"Yeah you said it, with you," I say.

"And you've done great." He says. "I already told her yes," He says.

"Then I'll do it, it better be fun." I️ peck his lips.

"Trust it will." He kisses me.

Alex does his intro to the video with Milan. Then they show I️'m come out in the video.

"Y/n the first question is why'd you date my brother?" Milan asks.

"I like him," I say.

"How are you (your/height) and you're nineteen?" She asks.

"My parent's genes,"I shrug.

"Do you ever want to fight Alex?" She asks.

"At Times," I smile innocently.

"What do you think about Alex?" She raises her eyebrow.

"That he's amazing and that he's the best and that he's my boyfriend." I say.

"What was your firsts date with my older brother?"

"Our first official date was when we went Go kart racing and we ate burgers afterwards. Nothing fancy just how I️ like it." I say smiling.

"Whose your favorite Alex or me?" She asks making a cute face. I'm speechless. I look at her and look at Alex, I give Alex a pleading look.

"It's obviously me." Alex says.

"No it's me." Milan says.

"That's not fair for her." Alexs mom says.

"Fine who's your favorite of Alex's sisters?" She asks making me uncomfortable.

"Milan you can't just ask that." Mom says.

"Yes it's between Sydney, Vienna and I." She says smiling like an innocent child.

"Milan no that's not nice to make her decide." Mom says.

"Fine guys we're going to cut the video short." Alex says and he closes off the video.

"You did good babe." Alex pecks my lips.

"Thanks." I smile. "I had fun." I admit smiling.

"I'm glad you did." He says smiling at me. "Let's go home?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Let's go home."I say.

Sorry for not posting last week I didn't have anything done and I don't like rushing anything with my writing. Hope you guys enjoy.
Updated: Nov 17, 2017

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