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Alex and I've been dating for quite some time. Since he lives in LA now we get to spend much more time together and I honestly love it. I'm busy with school and he's busy with his YouTube career but we make time and we try to enjoy us as much as we can.

"Are you free this Friday night?' Alex asks.

"I don't think so, I think I'm having a study group session," I say. "How about Monday?" I ask.

"I'm filming with Teeqo and I have a meeting," he says.

"I'll text you my schedule," I say.

"Me too," he says.

"This is so romantic," I say sarcastically. He caresses my face and makes me look into his eyes. "This is for rigth now." he says pulling me into a kiss. "I know." I whisper. "It just sucks a little." I say. He nods his head in agreement.

"The good thing is on my third year and I have a job. Once I'm done with school it will just be my job, I have a job lined up once I graduate." I say. He nods his head and pulls me into a kiss.

Six Months later

"Y/n have you chosen a dress?" Alissa asks. "I'm still deciding." I say, Alex is taking me out on a fancy dinner, I had gotten my nails done and shaved my legs. I did my makeup, and straighten my hair.

"I'm between the two blue dresses laid out on my bed." I say.

"I'd go with the longer blue dress it tugs your curves nicely and it doesn't look so formal." She says.

"That one it is." I say. I finish changing and Alissa helps me with the finishes changes.

"We need to take pictures of how cute you look." She says. I nod my head. I pose for some pictures for my insta. Ally goes open the door once she hears a knock.

"Wow you look absolutely gorgeous." I hear Alex's voice compliment me. I turn around and see my gorgeous boyfriend. "You look handsome babe." I say.

"Let me get some pictures of you two

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"Let me get some pictures of you two." Alissa  says. We pose for some and then head out to dinner.
"You look soo beautiful." Chantel screams.
"Baby you looking good." Cindy says.

"Thank you my loves." I say smiling at them.
Alex is such a gentleman he opens the doors for me and pulls the chair for me. I feel him staring at me from across the table.

"What?" I ask.

"Just admiring you." He says making me smile. "You're so beautiful baby." He says smiling at me.

   At Dinner

   Alex and I were half way through dinner, he was nervous, more than usual. The restaurant was nicer than the ones we usually frequent.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"You know I love, right?" He asks.

"I know." I smile at him, I've never felt this way for anyone.

"I love you and you're the best thing that has ever happen to me, I don't want us to schedule time for us to see each other. Yn I love you more than life itself." He says making me smile widely, and I have a feeling I know what's happening. He kneels pulling out a black velvet box, "YN YMN YLN, will you marry me?"

I stare at him shocked with, I knew it but still. I stare at him with teary eyes and I nod my head. "Yes." I say as he slides it on my ring finger, and I wrap my arms around him before kissing him. "I love you Alex."

"I love you, Yn." He says. Our friends come out from hiding and they congratulate us. I proudly show the ring off to the girls.

Words 627
This is one of the final chapters of this book. I will not be taking requests, don't forget to check out my other books. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Stay safe! Wear a mask! AND FUCK donald trump!
Updated February 01, 2021

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