Take off your shirt|| F. Rain

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"Come on let's go see uncle Apex." I tell Faze baby.

"Yaye. Faze UP." He says. I buckle him up and make my way to the the driver seat driving us to the Faze house.


"Ohh look. It's Faze Baby." Apex says.

"Faze up." Faze baby says.

"Nailah, I've missed you." Apex says bringing me into a hug.

"I've missed you too." I say.

"You actually haven't meet majority of the guys, so you're meeting them today." He says and I nod my head as we're walking inside the house.

"Wow the house is so big." I say. "It's beautiful." I say in admiration.

"Apex." I hear someone say. I turn around and see a boy, a very tall boy with a hat.

"Nordan." Apex says.

"Apex." He says all cute. We'll wait what? Why am I saying he's cute? Well he is a bit. "Is that Faze baby?" He asks. Faze baby nods his head.

"This is Nailah, my childhood best friend. Nailah this is Nordan." Apex introduces us. I give him a little smile and wave.

"Auntie Nailah." Faze baby keeps saying.

"Yes that's Auntie Nailah." Apex says.


Nordan and I been talking since Apex introduced us. He's honestly so nice, funny and an interesting guy.

"Do you take care of Faze Baby?" Nord asks.

"From time to time when Apex's mom can't or I take him out for ice cream." I say.

"Hey guys were going to be in the pool and hot tub wanna join?" Balzekin asks.

"Ugh I didn't bring a swim suit." I say.

"I'll go down in a bit." Nord says.

"Hey Nailah my mom packed your bathing suit." Apex says.

"We could always see you go naked." I hear Nord say under his breath. "Most of us wouldn't mind." He says.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing." He says. "Just talking to myself." I just nod my head.

"I'm go change." I say making my way toward Apex room.

"Is Faze baby going in?" I ask Apex.

"Yes." Faze baby runs out of the bathroom.

"Are you?" I ask Apex. He nods his head.

"I'm use your bathroom." I say. He nods his head.


After Apex, Faze Baby and I change we make our way downstairs.

"Hey look you guys look like a family." Adapt says.

"Yeah y'all look like Faze baby's parents." Blaziken adds.

"I don't plan on having kids anytime soon." I say. We head to the pool and I put sunblock on faze baby and Tommy takes him into the pool. "Watch him." I tell Tommy.

"We will." Blaziken says.

"Your turn." I tell Apex. He takes off his shit and I apply sunblock on.

"You see you do look like a couple." Adapt says.

"Do I do you?" Apex asks I nod and he applies it on my back.

"Thank you." I say. "Did you guys wear sunblock?" I ask them. They nod their head.

"Nailah. You're so motherly." Alex says.

"Thank you?" I ask. I make my way toward Nordan and sit next to him. "Did you use sunblock?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Why not?" I ask. He shrugs. "Take off your shirt." I command.

"Take me out to dinner first." He says.

"I will after you take off your shirt." I say. He does as told and I apply sunscreen, and I'm enjoying it. I like the feeling of my hands running through his back. I could imagine myself clawing his back. Dirty Nailah, stop it.

"Thank you." He says after I finish applying it.

"No problem." I say smiling.


The boys are in the pool and I'm taking the sun reading a book. I feel someone cover the sun, I look up and see Nord covering it. "What's up?" I ask placing my book down. He gives me a small smile. "You better not Nordan Shat." I say. He picks me up and jumps into the pool with me. I surface up from the water and the boys are laughing. Once Nordan surfaces up I stick my tongue at him.

"That was hilarious." Tommy says.


"Well boys I would love to stay but I can't cause I need to take Faze Baby home." I say. I hug them and go grab the bag from Apex room. "Hey where's my phone?" I ask Apex.

"I think you left it in Nordan's room." He says. "Give me a hug before you leave." He says. I hug him.

"Thank you for today it was honestly fun and I loved meeting your friends." I say.

"They love you." He says I nod my head. I pull away and make my way to Nordans room. I knock and he tells me to come in.

"Hey." I wave at him.

"Hey." He waves back.

"Did I leave my phone here?" I ask, he nods his head.

"Yeah you did." He says holding it up. I make my way up to him and he stands up. He hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say. He pulls me into a small kiss. I guess it was his way of saying you're welcome.

"You still owe me that dinner, I took off my shirt." He says. I smile at him.

"I'll take you out than." I smile at him.

Hopefully you like and I'm sorry it took so long. nailahhoque guys go chick out her imagines they're amazing! 😊
Updated: feb 23, 2017

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