Good for you||F. Adapt

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"We need to try again Y/n, we can't just stop." He says.

"Alex I am so done of trying." I say looking into his teary eyes. "I love you so much to just give up" he says with so much emotion laced in his voice. I stare at him, my heart is racing faster than it has in a while.

"I love myself to much to give up on me Alex. I'm scared of falling for you and giving you my heart for it to be broken. I'm not ready for another round of heart break." I say in a serious sharp tone.

"Y/n I love and appreciate you to hurt you again. I can't live without you." He says.

"You've said that before and you broke me so bad. I allowed you to break me Alex. I know I can live without you, I don't want to but I need to. I am not ready to be broken by you. I need more time to heal. I told myself I wouldn't allow myself to depend on you. I will depend on myself, I need time Alex." I say. He doesn't say anything, he has watery eyes, he just nods his head. He knows we're both broken. "We both need to work on ourselves, Alex listen to me. You can't depend on me, when we are better we will look each other and we will try to work on us, alright?" I ask. He nods his head. I peck his lips. "That's a promise." I was after I pull away.

"A promise." He whispers holding my face in his hands staring into my eyes. 

A Year & half later

"Hey, I've been looking for you." Lucas says.

"I'm here. Have you told Alex that we've been hanging out?" I ask him.

"Y/n he knows that we're best friends, and I'll tell him tonight. He told us not to pick sides when you guys broke up. That he wanted us to keep talking to you since we're all friends." He says. It sounds like Alex, he wouldn't take away my friends, even if we didn't work and broke each other's hearts. I nod my head.

"So we're throwing a Christmas party, and you should come. It's almost been two years since you've last talked." He says.

"I'll be there." I say, I don't want to hear more about how Alex and I haven't spoken in like two years. I know that, I've missed him, and breaking up was one of the hardest things I've done. It was the best for us, and I've grown so much in finding myself.

"The party starts at 8 be there at 6." He says. I give him a questionable look. "To help me get ready. We can get ready together." He explains I nod my head.

Christmas Party

"You're on time." Lucas greets me downstairs. He hugs me. I have my dress in one hand and my makeup bag in the other.

"Let's go get ready." I say.

Lucas and I got ready, well it was mostly me getting ready as we watched a show and ate nachos.

"You look good best friend." Lucas compliments me.

" Lucas compliments me

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"So do you bestie." I say giving him a smile.

"Instagram pics?" He asks, I nod my head quickly. He read my mind, we take some good pictures, save them for later. People don't know I'm attending a faze clan party.

When people begin arriving that's when we make our way downstairs. We greet some people and stay for a while and talk to some. I find Alissa and stick with her and Sommer.

We dance and by the end of the night I feel my feet sore. I leave the girls to get water. I've seen Alex around the whole night but we haven't spoken unless you count a brief greeting. He's by the drinks, so I do the polite thing to do and I give him a smile.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask as I look for a water.

"There's good music." He says. He doesn't respond to my question. "How about you?" He asks. "There's good music and my friends are here." I shrug. "You're looking for water?" He asks. I nod my head. "There's some in my room." He says. "Can we?" I ask. He leads me to his room, once we get there he closes the door and goes into his closet to grab a water. "Thank you." I say as I take it. I take a sip.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"Y/n you don't have to make small talk to me." He says.

"I want to." I say. "I've been good, You?" He asks.

"I've been good. Can we stay here?" I ask. He nods his head and we take a seat on his bed. "Thank you for letting me go and allowing me to grow and bettering myself." I say.

"Thank you, I have grown too." He says.

"Our breakup was one of the hardest things I had to go through." I say, he nods his head.

"It put everything in prospective, I learned so much and I'm not the same person I was like two years ago." He says.

"I know, I'm not either." I say looking into his eyes. "My feelings haven't changed, I still like you a lot Alex." I say. "I needed to better myself to be good for you." I say, he nods his head and pulls me into a kiss.

"I know." He says once we pull away. I kiss him again and it turns into a heated make out session.

"We should probably take it slow, to not rush into things." I say. He nods his head and kisses me.

"You're right, lets go downstairs." He says.

"Can we watch a Netflix instead?" I ask.

"Lucifer?" He asks, I nod my head smiling. We get comfortable in his bed and he lends me one of his shirts. He brings out snacks that he has hidden and we watch Lucifer.

Hope you guys enjoy!
Updated: Jan 18, 2019

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