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"Are you excited?" I ask Nordan.

"Very." He says. "I hope the little guy likes me just as much as he does like me in my videos." He smiles.

"Hey, the little guy will love you. You're the same person you are on camera." I say holding his face in my hands. I peck his lips. "You're going to do great." I give him a smile. He returns one back. "Thank you." He says pecks my lips. I nod my head. Once we arrive to the hospital we text the parent that we're here and they come down.

"Hi I'm David's dad, Andrew." He says shaking Nords hand.

"Hi Andrew I'm Nordan and this is my girlfriend Y/n." Nord says. Andrew shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you guys." He says.

"Likewise." I smile. "It's nice to meet you too." Nord says. "I can't wait to see David's face." Andrew says making Nord smile so wide, my heart skips a beat.

"I brought David a little something I hope you don't mind." Nordan says.

"I don't mind at all, thank you." Andrew says. I give Nord's hand a squeeze to make sure I'm not dreaming, he's actually my boyfriend. He looks at me and gives me a smile, he's telling me this is true.

"So I think I will walk in first and then you two can come in behind me." Andrew says once get to the floor David is staying at. "Yeah sure." Nordan says and I nod my head. Andrew leads us to David's room, he goes in first.

"Hey bud, we have someone whose been wanting to met you." Andrew says.

"Who is it?" A little kids voice asks I'm assuming it's David. Andrew motions us to come in and Nordan leads us in the room. Nordans carrying David's gift.

"You're Faze Rain." David says with wide eyes. It's look like he just found the holy grail. "And you're Y/n." Davis adds looking at me. I give him a smile and a wave. "Yes we are." Nord says. "We brought you a little something." He adds making his way closer to him. We greet him hello with a hug and he smiles. We all talk for a minute. David is smiling wide as he speaks to Nord, it's honestly so cute. I love seeing when Nordan makes people smile, he makes me smile very wide and feel more happy than I am individually and it's a bonus to be with someone who can do that to others. He's never been a greedy person with anyone, not even a stranger, he's always willing to give.

"So Y/n, and Nordan I've been dying to know how you two met." David says. "Well I mean I'm literally dying, but I just really want to know." David says smiling. He's a rambler and it's so cute. "Well David since you're our friend, we'll tell you. You have to promise not to tell anyone, we haven't told any fan. You're a friend so it doesn't count anymore." I say making him smile even wider. He nods his head. Nordan and I begin telling him the story of how we meet.

"That's so romantic." David says making me smile and blush.

"I got real lucky with her." Nordan says looking at me. I feel my checks heating up even more of that's even possible. We ended following David on social media.

Hope you guys like it, hope
-VOUGEGRANDE does, I fell in love with Nordan again as I wrote this. I'm working on my chapter GUYS, and I won't make any promises of when they'll go up I have loads of things to do so yeah. Can y'all believe your girl is a senior? I began this account back when I was in middle school. Oh god.
Updated: September 28, 2018

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