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"Are you sure they I'll get along with them?" I ask my older cousin Tommy.

"Y/n of course they will." He says.

"Okay I'll trust you Thomas." I say.

"Just be yourself." Morgan tells me. "The boys are easy to get along with." She says.

"Thanks Morg." I say.

"No problem Babygirl." She says.

"And we're here en casa Faze." Thomas says.

"How long will I be here for?" I ask.

"Come on. It will be great the boys will love you." Morgan says. I grab my things and get out of Tommys car along with Morgan. "It's going to be okay." Morgan side hugs me. I nod my head and I trail down behind them.

"Yo Tommy." I hear someone say, I look up and see Balziken. They all greet each other and I'm just there, like the awkward human being I am.

"Guys this is my little cousin Y/n." Tommy says.

"Hey Y/n." Blaziken says.

"Hi." I wave.

"She's shy around people she just met." Morgan says.

"Hey guys. Yo Tommy." I look up to see a really cute guy.

"This is Rug." Tommy says.

"Hey." Rug greets.

"Hey." I greet.

"So Rug is known as the pranksters so be aware." Blaziken says.

"I'll be sure of that." I say.


"So Y/n." Rug makes his way to me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Shall we pull a prank on one of the boys?" He asks.

"Tommy?" I ask.

"Your cousin is scary." He says with a scared face.

"Mhm. Come on I'll take the blame if anything." I smile.

"Okay. Let's do that." He smiles.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Hey kids." Morgan greets coming into the kitchen.

"Hey Morg." I smile.

"What are you guys planning?" She asks.

"To prank Faze Temperrr."  I say.

"Count me in." She says. "We can tell him Y/n, got hurt." She says.

"Oh yes." I smile.

"Hopefully we don't die." Rug says.


We prepare for everything and I'm actually praying that I don't give him a heart attack. We made fake blood and dropped some things and I lay on the floor and scream.

"TOMMY." I scream dramatically. "THOMAS." I scream. "MORGAN. SOMEONE." I scream.

"OH MY GOD. Y/n." Morgan screams.

"Holy shit." Rug says.

"TOMMY!" Morgan runs upstairs. "TOMMMY ITS Y/n." She screams.

"What's going on?" I hear him ask worried.

"SHE SHE." Morgan says.

"What happened?" He asks.

"She fell, she's bleeding." She says.

"It's ganna be okay, it's ganna be okay." Rug says kneeling by me. He takes out his phone pretending to call 911. He's actually calling his mom, mama Rug is in the prank too.

"Holy- omg Y/n." Tommy says. He kneels by me. "It's ganna be okay, I promise." He says holding my hand. "Have you called a FUCKIEN AMBULANCE?!??" He asks.

"I'm on it." Rug says. I start going unconscious, if you know what I mean.

"No, Y/n don't do that!! Please stay with me." He says. "Y/n!" He says. "Where's the FUCKIEN ambulance." I peek and he's eyes are watery. Oh shit I feel bad.

"They're on their way." Rug says nervously.

"How did this happen?" Tommy asks.

"We just heard a bang and her screams for help." Morg says.

"Why is it taking so long?" Tommy asks.

"Tommy?" I say opening my eyes.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"It's just a prank." I say causing a small smile to form on his lips.

"Y/n." He warns.

"It's just a prank ." I say getting up. "You see fake blood." I smile. He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so glad it's just a prank, I had no idea how I would explain this to your parents." He says.

"Awe Tommy." I say. "You care." I tease.

"Of course I do, you're my favorite cousin." He says. "Don't tell the rest." He says.

"I won't." I smile.

I didn't post on Friday bc I totally forgot, sorry. So here's this.
Updated: April 16, 2017

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