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"Who ate my Oreo cheesecake?" I ask the boys. They shrug. I roll my eyes. I close the fridge door and turn to see Jasper with an empty tray that my cheesecake was in.

"What is your problem?" I scream at him.

"What it was good." He shrugs.

"You're so annoying." I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah I know that you make that pretty clear Y/n, every chance you get." He says.

"Well you are." I say. "I don't get how the boys stand you." I say walking away.

"That was pretty delicious, thank you." He remarks making me annoyed. I turn around and walk up to him. I poke his chest, his strong chest.

"Don't" poke "eat" poke "my" poke "food" I try to push him back with my hands. He removes my hands from his chest and pulls me close trapping me in his arms. "Let me go." I demand as I attempt to set my hands free. I look at him with disgust. "I really hate you Jasper I hope you know that." I comment. He sets me free. I fix my shirt since it rose up when he trapped me in his arms. I walk away to the boys. I sit between Apex and Alex so I won't have to sit next to Jasper. They begin to ask each other random questions. For Alex's video. Someone asked the questions and we had to say yes or no and explain it if yes.

"Who was your first kiss?" Lucas asks. Everyone goes first and Jasper and I are last. They all look at me. "What?" I ask. "Who was your first kiss?" Lucas asks again. I think of it for a while. "It was Andrew in junior year, my first serious boyfriend." I say. Nordan gives me  a look. I return it to him. He's the only one who knows it was Jasper. He took my first kiss and now he took my Oreo cheesecake.

"I'm not going to say the name of the girl. She was very pretty, I still talk to her. She was 13 I was 14 turning 15 and we had an argument and I kissed her and once we pulled away she slapped me and we kept arguing." He says glancing at me from time to time. We finish up the video and eat some.

"Liar." Jasper whispers by my ear as he walks past me. Nordan heard and his eyes widened. We kept eating and the boys talked. Jasper kept giving me a glance making me feeling guilty about me lying about my first kiss.

"Stop giving me that look." I say out loud making all the boys attention turn to me.

"What look?" Jasper asks dumbly making me annoyed.

"You want me to tell everyone don't you?" I ask. He gives me questionable look. "You won't stop until I admit won't you?" I ask annoyed.

"Admit what?" Alex asks. I glance at him for a second and I turn back to look at Jasper, he's grinning.

"Fine I lied." I admit. "I lied about Andrew being my first kiss. That's a lie." I say.

"I can cut out your part if you want." Alex offers I shake my head.

"It's fine." I say. "I was 13 when I had my first kiss the guy was 14 turning 15." I say.

"So what's the big deal?" Tommy asks.

"He kisses me to shut up and I slapped him because I was trying to get my point across." I say. "It was Jasper." I point at him. "Are you happy now?" I ask Jasper annoyed and I leave the kitchen. I feel embarrassed and pathetic. I hear someone behind me.

"Hey I'm sorry. I didn't think you would actually tell them." He says.

"Oh shut up. Yes you do, you knew dam well how to get me to feel guilty. Dam it Jasper you were my best friend." I say walking away.

"I'm sorry." He says loud enough for me to hear.

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Updated: August 25, 2017

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