She's 16|| Apex

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"Hey Apex do you have an extra sweater I can borrow? I kind of spilled milk on mine and it's gunky." I say.

"Yeah sure." He hands me one of his Apex sweater.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"No problem." He smiles.

"I promise I've never had chipotle." I say.

"Are you serious?" He asks amused.

"Call my brothers they haven't had chipotle ether." I say

"But how? You live in LA." He asks.

"We have food trucks that sell Mexican food, we have restaurants who actually cook Mexican food." I shrug.

"I love chipotle. Well today is your first time trying chipotle then." He says.

"I guess." I say.

"So how was it?" Apex asks as were walking out of chipotle.

"It's alright. I should of made a video out of it." I say.

"You could talk about it in one of your videos." He says.

"True." I say. "Wait where did Roman and Rowan go?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He says.

"Ohh." Is all I say.

"So..." Apex says.

"Mhmh?" I ask.

"Do you want to do a video together?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I say. I look down and notice I have messages from the group chat.

Group chat messages

Yo Y/n how's everything going?

Are you getting some dick?

Or pussy?

Omg^ vale 😂

But are you getting any?

Guys stop no. No cute guys my age. Sadly. 😭😪 tear, tear.

Bale with a B the pussy is all yours I don't take those away from you.

I'm actually doing a video with Apex

The one that you're all like "OMG Babygirl he's sooo cute! He posted today with his nephew!"

Omg accurate af Wendy!^

Get that dick!

Y/n's hoe ass!

"So do you have anything in mind for what kind of video you want to make?" Apex asks.

"I'm not sure. Do you have any ideas?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"We can always tell the fans to tweet us ideas." He says.

"Yeah, I just hope they don't go wild. But then again my fanigirls, Jesus Christ lord have mercy." I say causing him to chuckle.

Apex does his intro.

"And this right here is a new friend I made." He says

"He actually paid me to do this video." I say.

"I pay her like I pay my twin brother." He says. "If you guys don't actually know who this is, this is Y/n, she's one of the triplets. Roman and Rowan's twin sister." He says.

"Yup that's me." I smile. "We're actually doing a Q&A." I say. "Can I ask the first question?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." He says.

"Y/n'spie asks Is Apex taken?" I read.

"No, I'm not. I'm actually not seeing anybody." He says.

"Apexbeard asks Y/n do you like the beard?" He reads.

"Yeah it's cool." I say. "AliIce asks how'd y'all meet?" I read.

"Roman and Rowan." we say.

"OOo high five." we do high five.

"Milkshake101 asks will we see more colabs of you two? Bc favs." He reads.

"If Apex wants. I'm down." I say.

"I seen this question asked a lot and I think your fans want you to answer it. What happen to Derek?" Apex says.

"Derek is my best friend, he's like a brother guys. It's so weird that you guys think we're dating and he's 24 and I'm 16, guys that could get him in to some serious trouble. But we're just friends nothing more." I say. "I'm like his little sister, yah know." I add on.

*two years later*

"Guys so today is two years from the first time Apex and I uploaded and filmed together." I say leaning on him.

"A lot has changed." Apex says.

"It has, I mean look at me." I say doing an ugly face. "Kidding that didn't change." I giggle. "But we're back with an other Q&A." I say.


"Guys and a question that I've notice that all of you guys have been asking is, are Y/n and Apex dating?" I say. "Are we dating?" I turn to look at Apex.

"Guys we've been keeping this from you guys for a while but yes we are dating." Apex says.

"So Apex is very personal with his life and for him to actually say this makes me proud." I say.

"It was hard hiding it for a while." He says. "Especially since you and your siblings do your daily vlogs and we're usually together." He says.

"Roman texted me saying who knew you two were dating?" I say.

"Of course her brothers, Faze and we tried our best to hide it. Not cause I'm ashamed of Y/n the total opposite I love showing she's my girl, but I don't know." He shrugs.

"Guys he's so cute, but yeah I think you guys started realizing that there was probably something up because in a video of Rain or Blaziken. Apex and I were the kitchen and I was sitting on his lap and then He was hugging me from behind and yeah. It kind of blew up." I say.

"Yeah that was one and there's another one that was when we went to Hawaii with some of the Faze guys and we were in the pool, and they took a picture in front of the pool and I think I was holding you inside the pool." He says.

"And when we went to Miami we where in the beach and you got a problem and I helped you cover and people actually got that and it's some where in the inter webs." I say.

"I had forgotten about that one." He says.

"Well I didn't I mean how could I." I say causing him to laugh.


Updated: Jan 20, 2017

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