and I like you||F. Tommy

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"She's a friend, no one gets her!" Tommy say.

"Calm down Tommy." Apex says.

"She's off limits." Tommy says in a serious tone. He's never been this serious.

"She's a good friend to all of us." Lucas says.

"I think little Tommy over here has a crush." Cheo says. Tommy opens his mouth but quickly closes it not wanting to make things worse for himself.

"Awe Tommy." Rain says. "She's hanging out with Apex and Lucas today." He adds on.

"Hey we're all friends here." Lucas says.

"I'm enjoying this a lot." Alex smirks.

From Lucas to Faze House 
Y/n is on her way here.

Thanks Blaze

You seen it Tommy?

I'm sure he did.


"Thank you so much for dropping me off Nate." I say.

"No problem, Y/n." Nate says. "If you need me to pick you up just call me, I'll come or one of the boys will." He says.

"You're going to be at the studio?" I ask. He nods his head. "I'll walk you to the house." He says. We walk to the house.

"Well take care, call me if anything." He says. I pull him into a hug and I kiss his check.

"Will do." I say. He walks back to his car.

"Y/n." I turn to see Blaziken.

"Blaze." I smile pulling him into a hug.

"Y/n." I pull away from the hug to see Apex.

"Apex." I say pulling him into a hug. "I haven't seen you guys in quiet a while." I say.

"Cause you've been traveling all over." Apex says.

"That's partly true." I say.


"So how was it driving from NY to LA?" I ask Cheo.

"Long." He says.

"I'm sure." I say. "So where's Tommy?" I ask.

"He's probably upstairs." Rain says.

"He's probably thinking of a good excuse to come downstairs and pretend he didn't know you were here." Adapt says.

"Want me to call him?" Rain asks.

"Um it's okay. He might be busy." I say. "Plus I don't want to make Lucas and Apex wait, I'm sure they won't take long." I say.

"Cheo do you need anything from Pavilions?" a familiar voice asks.

"No do you guys need anything?" Cheo asks. Adapt and Rain shake their heads.

"Y/n, do you need anything?" Alex asks.

"No I don't." I say.

"Hey Y/n." Tommy greets.

"Hey." I wave.

"You ready?" Lucas asks. I nod my head.

"Bye boys, take care. I'll try to visit more often." I say.


"I swear I don't know how we're even friends." Lucas barley makes out laughing.

"I can totally agree on that." I say laughing loudly.

"So mean." Apex laughs along.

"Ah y'all love me." I smile cheekily as we walk back to the Faze house.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Tommy asks as soon as I walk into the house.

"Yeah sure let me just text Nate to pick me up in a while." I say. I quickly text Nate.

"Some where private like in my room?" He asks. I nod my head and he leads the way.

"So what's up?" I ask him once we get to his room.

"I don't like you with Nate." He says.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"I don't like seeing you with Nate." He says.

"He's a good friend of mine. I've know him for forever, longer than I've known you." I say.

"I know you do but when I see you with him I get jealous. When I see you with any guy I get jealous." He says causing me to smile a little.

"He's my best friend, Tommy." I say. I peck his lips."and I like you." I say. He pulls me into a short kiss.

"and I like you." He says smiling.

Hope you enjoy this weeks update!
Updated: May 26, 2017

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