Charity Event||F.Banks

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The boys and I are at a charity event. It's all fancy and I like it.

"You look beautiful by the way." Banks whispers by my ear making me smile.

"Thank you

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"Thank you." I whisper back. We take our seats since we had to RSVP.

"I'm glad you came out tonight." He says.

"I am too." I say admiring the place. It's so nicely decorated.

"This place is fancy." Nikan comments.

"It is." Kay agrees.

"I'm surprised they let us in." Rice adds.

"I'm surprised they let you in." Banks clarifies.

"That's true." Rice agrees making us laugh.

"I'm sure they just let us in because of Y/n." Wolfie says.

"I can agree on that." Sylvia says.

"You look lovely." I compliment her.

"I might have to steal you tonight

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"I might have to steal you tonight." I send her a wink making her laugh.

"I won't oppose." She says making me laugh.

"Oo hot girl on girl." Rice says killing the mood.

"Buzz kill." Sylvia says making us laugh.

"I can agree on that." Banks adds. I nod my head in agreement. The waiter begins to check on us if want or need anything. We all talk for a bit and my eyes land on my ex, he's laughing with a blond chick.

"You're good?" Banks asks catching my attention. I look at him and nod my head giving him a small smile. "I always am." I say.

"I'm here for you Y/n, we're all here for you." He says.

"Thank you." I say smiling. "I know you are, I appreciate it you, so much Ricky." I say honestly.

"He's looking over here, I feel it." He says.

"Would you be mad if I kissed you to piss him off?" I ask.

"Not at all." He says giving me smile. He knows my ex always though Ricky and I had something going on. He was suspicious of our friendship, he thought I was cheating on him with Ricky. In reality it was him doing the cheating. I connect my lips with Ricky, and we kiss for some good seconds. It's a good kiss, I don't feel anything though. It's like a friendly kiss. We pull away.

"I felt like I kisses my sister." Ricky says.

"I felt like I kissed my brother." I say making him smile. "Let's just get close but no kissing?" I ask. He nods his head in agreement.

"He looks mad." Kay says. I smile and turn to him.

"It was to annoy him." I say making him smile.

"You're my spirit animal, Y/n." He says making me smile widely and the table laugh. We talk some more about random things, I excuse myself from the table. I make my way towards the bathroom, after using it I wash my hands. I observe  myself in the mirror and touch up my make up. I come out and I see the devil himself leaning against the wall.

"Y/n, you look good." He says.

"I always do." I say giving him a smile. "You look good Paul." I say.

"You proved my suspicions wrong, about you and Ricky." he says. "I know, I accused you of cheating on me with him and it was just me, you never did. I thought you would because I was the one cheating." he says. "Truth is Y/n you're not me and I'm glad. You're Y/n, you're amazing and wonderful. The kiss with Ricky it annoyed me, its not you." he says.

"You don't know me Paul. You did at one point but not anymore you don't."  I say. "Have a nice one Paul." I say walking away.

Hope you guys enjoy, and I'm sorry it took me so long to update.
Updated: March 16, 2018

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