Kicked out of Vidcon|| F. Tommy

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The boys, Tommy and I are at Vidcon. Tommy brought me along.

"Don't get separate from me." Tommy instructs before we go on the escalator.

"I won't let go." I say locking my hand in his. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

"Don't give me a scare. Please Y/n." He pleads.
"I'll try my best." I say.

"There's no other way around?" Tommy asks. The security shakes his head. Tommy has one security. "Hey if anything don't leave her alone, she's claustrophobic." Tommy says. The security nods his head. Rice gets mobbed by fans as soon as he steps off. Wofie does too. Once Tommy and I get off fans mob us, I feel crowded. Fans keep pushing towards Tommy making me lose my grip from him. I try getting his attention but I get nothing. I look around and fans ask for pictures, I nod my head trying to distract myself from the little space I have. I'm breathing harder by the minute. I hold onto a fan and she looks at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks. I shake my head as I breathe hard. "Oh shit you're claustrophobic."she says. She screams for Banks and Nikan because they're closer to us. I try calming myself down and looking up. I feel it getting worse by the second my panic attack is kicking in. No no, Y/n calm down you got this. Just breathe, just breathe. The girl is holding on my hand. I feel someone picking me up I open my eyes and realize it's Banks. "Thank you." I say wrapping my arms around him. "Nikan and I will get you out." He says. "Just breathe please Y/n Tommy will worry." He says. I feel my eyes closing in on me, "y/n no stay awake." Banks says. I try my best to keep my eyes open but it's hard. "GUYS MOVE Y/n is having a panic attack." Nikan says. "NIKAN SAID TO MOVE NOW MOVE!!!" Banks yells.

Tommy p.o.v.

"What's going on?" I ask Rice.

"We're getting kicked out." He answers. "Y/n isn't here?" I ask him.

"No, I thought she was with you." He says. Alex, Banks, Nikan, Teeqo and Rug still aren't here so she might be with them.

"Alex, Teeqo where's Y/n?" I ask.

"We didn't see her." Teeqo responds with a worry face.

"Oh god." I whisper.

"She'll be fine." Cheo says. "The security was suppose to stick with her." I say.

Banks p.o.v.

"Nikan she passed out." I say.

"Omg." He says. He pushes fans away.  "How are we going to explain this to Tommy?" I ask. He shrugs.


My eyes are heavy, I open them to Tommy towering over me. "Hey you." I give him a small smile. He hugs me.

"You're okay?" He asks. "I'm fine, Banks and Nikan came to rescue, this fan helped me. I didn't even get her name." I say.

I stand up I'm still a bit dizzy but I'll be fine. I see the security talking to Rice. "Need to see your wrist band." a lady with a scissors says.

"Why?" I ask.

"You guys aren't allowed back." She says.

"Because fans mobbed us, so you're blaming us? Dude I fainted out there, have your shitty  wristband. I don't want it either way" I say ripping it off handing it to her along with the pass.

"Don't give me attitude young lady." She says. "Well don't give attitude." I say quickly.

"Take them out." She says. "We'll leave." I say. "Don't scream at me, don't even think about raising your voice because we aren't in the wrong. You're kicking us out for getting mobbed." I say. Tommy has his arm wrapped around my waist as we walk out. He makes me drink water to calm down. The boys are annoyed about getting kicked out. They screamed at us for walking a bit to much on one said and they keep commanding us.

"Yo y'all need to stop screaming at us. You guys just kicked out for getting mobbed and that lady gave my girlfriend attitude for fainting. She has a medical condition." Tommy says angrily. He looks so hot defending us. They take Rugs passes as well. We get into the cars so they drive us to our cars.


Once we get to the house Cheo cooks I offered my help but he declined. He told me to rest. So I end up going upstairs with Tommy to rest.

"I need to make a video about this. Fans have a video of you being carried out by Banks as Nikan pushes them away." He says. I pull him into a kiss.

"I love you for that, I appreciate your friends for that." I say making him smile.

"I'm sorry that I let you go." He apologizes. I kiss him. "Nothing to worry about." I kiss him again.

He does his video and explains the whole situation and plays the video.

"Guys the situation was shitty this one lady gave Y/n attitude and Y/n didn't have it so she gave some back. They kept screaming at us for getting mobbed and if we took more steps that needed they screamed." He explains.

"We got treated like shit, you can see it in Alex and the others boys videos." I say.

"This fan did help her which I am so grateful for her." He says. "So if you're watching this video honestly thank you, you helped my girl a lot." Tommy says thanks. He signs off .

"You're absolutely amazing." I pull him into a kiss.

"So are you." He says.

Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. I like this protective Tommy. Request are open guys, don't feel shy to ask for one.
Updated:July 7th, 2017

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