Family First||F.Tommy

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It's been one week since Tommy and I broke up. I don't know how I am going to tell my family this especially how am I going to tell my little brother that we aren't together. My phone goes off signaling that I have a message.

I want to tell your little brother.


I don't have to worry about telling him anymore, Tommy is. I look down at the message and begin to cry. I look up and wipe the tears away. No more crying, I can't cry. I hear a knock on my door. I make my way and I open it.

"How are you feeling?" Alex asks.

"I'm okay." I give him a small smile.

"You've been crying." Nordan points out. I nod my head.

"It still hurts guys." I whisper.

"It will for a while but you'll eventually get over it." Apex gives me a small smile. Nord wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug.


"Why didn't you tell me?" My little brother asks. He looks hurt, he's hurt that I didn't tell him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you, Tommy wanted to tell you." I say. "You can continue to talk to him. I won't oppose to it." I say.

"He hurt you! How the hell am I suppose to look at him without wanting to hurt him? He hurt my sister." He says mad making my eyes water. I pull him into a hug.

"I'll be fine." I whisper. "I'm one heartbreak closer to my soul mate." I say making him chuckle.

"At least your positive even if you're hurting." He smiles.

"At least I can write good poems about break ups." I shrug.

"That's true. Inspiration for your book. Duh." My brother says making me laugh. He understands me and he can also see straight threw my bullshit.

"Don't hurt him." I say. "We just weren't meant to be." I give him a small smile.

"I still don't like him at the moment. I can't like him." He says honestly.

"You guys were like best friends." I point out.

"You are my sister." He says. "No one changes that, family is forever. My family comes first to me." He says. Our parents raised us that way, family always comes first even if you dislike them at times. You never give your back to your blood. I nod my head showing that I️ heard him and I understand.

"I'm thankful I am your sister." I say. He hugs me.

"I am too." He says. "Now I'm let you wallow and recover for some days, then I want my sister back. I need her back." He says. I hug him tighter.

"Thank you." I say grateful for him. "Leigh said you guys had good news." I add. "What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Y/n it can wait. We need you to wallow." He says.

"I need to know the good news."I say. "Come on." I pled. I give him the puppy eyes, it always works with him and it use to work on Tommy.

"Fine. But don't start crying." He says.

"I'll try." I say.

"Leigh and I are officially engaged." He says making a smile spread on my face. I pull him I to a hug.

"Congrats. You guys deserve this." I say.

"Thank you." He says. My eyes begin to water. We pull away. "This is why I wanted to wait." He says. I blink the tears back.

"I'm just so happy and proud for the two of you." I say smiling.

"Thank you." He says smiling.

I hope you guys enjoyed.
Updated: Nov 24, 2017

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