Baby Faze Apex||F. Apex

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*i like this one a lot. It's so cute.

I sit down on the the toilet staring at the pregnancy positive test. I feel scared and want to believe this test is a fluke. I start rethinking my life choices and I'm so scared to be a a mom. I'm so not ready for this. I throw the test away, I clean my face. I make my way towards the living room to get my keys to go to the boys house.


I don't have to tell Apex right away right? I ask myself. Yes you do you idiot, but make sure you're sure about being pregnant. Go to the doctor to make sure. Then tell him. Ohh okay.

"Hey babe." Apex greets pulling me into a kiss.

"Hey." I smile once we pull away.

"Do you have any plans today?" He asks.

"Besides hanging out with my boyfriend? No." I say.

"Good." He pulls me into a kiss.

"Awe look Y/n and Apex showing affection." Nord says making Apex get awkward.

"Hey Nordan." I greet.

"Do you guys want anything from the store?Alex and I are going." He asks.

"Ice cream and peanut butter." I smile. "I'll venmo you the money." I say. He nods his head.

"It's fine you don't need to pay." Nordan says.

"Don't fight me on it." I say in a serious tone. He lifts his hands up in surrender making me laugh. The boys leave and Apex takes me up to his room. "I still need to make a video." He says.

"Go to each of the boys room and do their intro or make sure you are in their presence as you do it." I suggest.

"That's sound interesting. I will." He pecks my lips. "Thank you baby." He says.  I nod my head and lay on his bed since I'm tired.  I get under the cover. He makes his way to the bed, takes a seat by me and plants a shot kiss on my forehead. "Are you okay?" He asks placing his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. I nod my head. "You've been feeling tired lately, have you gone to the doctors?" He asks.

"I'm going on Monday. I made an appointment." I say. He nods his head.

"I just want my baby to be healthy and in a good mood." He kisses my check.

"With your kisses I'm always in a good mood. " I give him a small smile.

"Always with your sweet talking." He leans in and gives me a kiss that's makes my whole stomach do a flip. He laced our fingers together. No doubt I will forever be in love with this boy, my beautiful boy.

Days later

"Have the doctors called?" Cheo asks. I shake my head. He pulls me into a hug. "You'll be fine, I know you will. Everything will he fine. He loves you to death, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He says reassuring me. I nod my head.

"Thank you, you're the only who knows." I say.

"It's our secret pumpkin." He says making me laugh. He calls me pumpkin because I got so mad one time and I picked up a pumpkin and threw it at the ground and it splattered everywhere. Lucky for Nordan he got it on his vlog.

"Hey guys." Teeqo greets. "Hey." I wave. Cheo greets him. "I brought some Canes." He brings up the bag. He opens the tray and the aroma fills the room. I feel like vomiting so I run to the closets sink but I don't get there on time cause I vomit half way through getting there.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Apex asks. I nod my head. "Come on lets go get you cleaned up." He takes me to the bathroom. He helps me get cleaned up and he takes care of the mess. After getting out of the shower I get a call from the doctor telling me that congratulations I am pregnant. I changed to my Pjs and lay in Apexs bed pulling the covers on me. I hug myself and I begin to think about my life without Apex. What if he doesn't want a kid right now because we're too young? I mean I don't think he will, we're engaged. Oh god. I was pulled out of my thought by Apex pecking my check.

"Are you okay? Is there anything you need to tell me." He asks taking a seat on the other side of the bed. I nod my head, I sit up to look at him eye to eye.

"I'm pregnant." I say.

"We're pregnant?" Apex asks. I nod my head. He's calm I guess this is good. He pulls me into a hug and kiss my check. "Oh got baby you just made me a dad." He says burying his head into my shoulder. I feel him smiling against my skin. He looks up and pulls me into a kiss and he places a hand on my lower stomach."We're having a baby. Oh my Faze baby 3.0" he says smiling

"Baby Faze Apex." I say making him smile even wider. "God I love that even better." He pulls me into a kiss.

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Updated: September 1st, 2017

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