Jet Skiing||F. Rain

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The boys and I went on a fairy I don't know how they convinced me. I don't like the ocean, I'm terrified of it.

"Lets go jet skiing." Lucas says.

"Yeah." Sensei agrees. Cheo and Nord nod their head.

"Babe?" Nordans calls out.

"No." I say quickly.

"Come on, I'll protect you." He says. "You can even ride with me." He says. I shake my head.

"You guys already convinced me on going on this boat now you guys want to go jet skiing that's too much to ask in on day." I fold my arms in front of me.

"Come in." Nordan tries to convince me. I shake my head. He pull me a side to talk alone. "Come on babe, you'll ride with me. It's been years, you have to face your fears." He says.

"Babe I don't want to, I don't like it." I say. He pecks my lips.

"Please baby? Give it a try? If you don't like it I can bring you back." He says.

"Will I ride with you?" I ask. He nods his head.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He says making me smile.

"I'm glad." I pull him into a kiss. We walk towards the boys. "So guys I convinced Y/n to do it." Nordan says smirking. The boys cheer in victory, I roll my eyes.

"Just don't throw me off." I warn Nordan.

"Oh she's going to punish you." Isaiah laughs. I roll my eyes while a small smile plays on my lips.

"Oh she isn't going to give you anything for a minute." Lucas says making me blush deeply. I avoid their glaze. I take a seat on Nordans lap.  "I wouldn't recommend you moving, for your sake and my own." He whispers into my ear. I do as told, I don't move. Nordan takes off his shirt and I can't keep my eyes off my gorgeous man. "I don't think you want to wet your clothes." Nordan says.

"I don't want to slip off my clothes in front of everyone." I say. He covers me so I can take off the skirt and shirt. I have my swimsuit under.

 I have my swimsuit under

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"You look so hot." He whisper into my ear.

"I could say the same thing about you Mr.Shat." I say looking at him as I bite my lip.

"Jesus Christ Y/n don't do that, please." He begs.

"Fine I won't." I say. He takes my hands and I feel the stares of people. I'm assuming Nordan feels them cause he pulls me closer and places his hand on my lower back. "I know they're staring. I'm glad." He kisses my temple. He likes the fact that people stare at what's his and want but can't have, it's a turn on for him especially with me.

Nordans gets on the jet ski first and then I do. I wrap my arms around tight.

"Y/n, let me breathe." He makes a joke. I losen my grip a bit. "That's it baby girl." He states. I like feeling the air against my skin. I don't really feel it on face since Nordan is cover it. We stop for a minute.

"What happened?" I asks

"You want to give it a try?" He asks. I shake my head. He nods his head. Lucas took some snapchats of us jet skiing.

"How bad was it?" Nordan asks.

"It wasn't bad at all" I look at him "I actually enjoyed it." I say. I peck his lips. "Thank you for convincing me to give it a try." I give him a smile.

"I wouldn't make you do anything to put your life in danger, sweetheart." He kisses my temple as I wrap my arms around him.

"Babe you got burnt." I say. 

"Nordan is the sweetest guy." Lucas says.

"He is." I agree.

"Awe guys I don't really think so." He says.

"Non sense, you're the sweetest, don't fight me on it." I say. Nordan raises his hand in surrender making me laugh. "You're cute." I say making him smile. "That's all you." He kisses me.

I had a weird day at school but we got out early. Tbh guys y'all should go check out royal888  stories, I feel in love with them. I go back and reread my favorite part of Tristian and Vienna. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Requests are still open.
Updated: Sept 08, 2017

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