Birthday|| Nick

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Nicks birthday is coming up and the boys and I have been planning his birthday party. He said he didn't want anything but I want to celebrate him. He recently had an accident and I could of lost him, I want to make it clear that I truly care for him.

"Boys I need to head to Nicks" I say get up from the couch and stretching.

"You're home late again." Nick points out once I walk through the front door.

"I got busy. I was with the boys." I say. "We we're playing Smash." I add.

"You hang out quiet a lot with them. I'm beginning to be jealous. I need to spend time with my girlfriend." He complains. I bring him into a hug.

"I'm sorry I'm not spending much time with you baby." I kiss his check. "I'll try my best to come out early tomorrow from the studio." I say.

"What time are you leaving for the studio?" He asks.

"Around seven thirty." I say. A yawn leaves my mouth.

"Go to bed, you need your rest." He says. I nod my head. "Good night babe" I peck his lips and walk towards our bed room.

"Good night baby girl I'll be there in bit." He says.


Today thankfully I was early, well I made the boys spend time with Nick. Today officially his birthday week starts for me. He's leaving with Lucas to Dubai and I want him to go. I placed little notes around our place with keys. Each key had a meaning.

Days later

"How come you've been sneaking around Y/n?" Nick asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't do that, you heard me." He says. He looks annoyed. "You avoid me for weeks, then you all of a sudden shower with me cute messages and gifts. What if this really about?" He asks.

"I can't show affection to my boyfriend?" I ask rhetorically.

"Are you going to leave?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you have someone else?" He asks.

"No, why would you think that? Do you really think that of me?" I ask picking at the fight. I make my eyes begin to water. "You're implying I'm cheating." I say in disbelief.

"What do you want me to think. You're barley home." He says.

"Just because other people have done it to you doesn't make me like them." I say angry. "I can't deal with this Nick, just not right now."
I say. I make my way to our bedroom. I grab a duffle bag and pack some clothes and some of my daily routine things.

"What are you doing?" Nick asks.

"I need some time on my own. I told you I can't do this right now." I say. I close my bag and grab my electronics. "Don't try to stop me." I warn him. I take my things and leave the apartment.


All done.

He called.

We're going to hang out w/ him

I feel so sneaky

Nicks p.o.v.
I'm such an idiot of course Y/n wouldn't cheat she's been cheated on before. I want to call her but I know to let her cool off. She doesn't like to be bothered when angry. She prefers to talk about it once she's in the right state of mind.

"Come on bro let's play smash." Alex says.

"Yeah dude." Roman agreed. I nod my head and grab a remote control.

"So are we almost there?" I ask. The boys made me dress up to go to a party. They wouldn't allow me to stay home being sad on my "birthday week" they told me Y/n wouldn't want that from me. I know she would hate me sulking over our fight. I try taking the blindfold off and a hand swats mine away. "Dude." I whine.

"Not yet!" Banks yells. After a while I feel someone get me off the car. The boys direct me.  "Surprise." I hear a group of people scream. I take of my blind fold and scan the room, all my friends are here. In the center of the front of the group is Y/n, she walks up to with a smile.

"Happy birthday." She says.

"This is why you walked out?" I ask. She nods her head and I pull her into a kiss. "God I love you." I say once we pull away.

"I love you, now let's go celebrate another year of Nick." She says taking my hand and leading me through the sea of people.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nick happy birthday to you." My friends sing to me happy birthday as I have a hand wrapped around Y/n's waist. I look down and see her happily singing happy birthday to me. I kiss her. "Thank you." I whisper to her once we pull away. She gives me a wide smile.

"Happy birthday." She says looking her cute.

Merry Christmas from me to y'all. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Updated: Dec 25, 2018

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