Cringe, record deals,love||F. Blaze req

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Holy bananas guys we just hit 2k on my story 😭😭😭

Guys retweet my last tweet I'm follow some.

I immediately retweet his last tweet.

Blaze liked your tweet
Blaze followed you

"Oh my sweet baby Jesus" I say smiling. Blaze just followed me.

Oh my sweet potato Lucas just followed me 😭😭

Blaze liked your tweet.

Hey I just wanted to say thank you for the support.

You're welcome omg 😭😭😭
You probs thinking
I'm such a fangirl rn

Yes, but it's people like you
who let me do what I love

Aww ❤️

It's been days and Lucas and I have been talking, we're friends I guess you can say. He's so sweet and just an overall good human being. He's funny too, and cute which is such a big bonus.

Months later

"So Eve, you got a record deal my girl." Ken my manger says.

"Shut up!" I say. We jump around joyfully like crazy maniacs.

"I totally ran into the wrong room." I hear voice. I turn and see Vincenzo, I give him a small smile and a wave. "Hey you." He says. 

"Hey." I say. Vince is like my personal bad boy, he has the looks and he's powerful. He scares so much people but he's a gentleman with me, he's never hurt me. In the years I've know him.

"I was telling her where's she's performing and she has a record deal." Ken says smiling.

"She has two." Vincenzo says serious. Ken goes to her emails, and looks up speechless.

"He's right, you have another one by S.R Records." Ken says.

"You've used our studios, you've collaborated with our artists and you have a vide. Even my father noticed and personally requested for you." He says. Vince has talked about his father being a successful man in what he does.

"Ken can we talk about the deal?" I ask. Kens not only my cousin but my older cousin. She's good at what she does. She's skeptical about the proposal.

"Kendra, Will sends his greetings." Vince says pushing Kens buttons. "Tell him I send him luck with the girlfriend." She says.

"Just because my brother messed up and did you dirty doesn't mean I will, or my father much less our company. This is all professional." He says making me smile.

"I know Vincenzo, you're one of the good trusted ones. Now, Eve and I need to talk about this." She says.

"Contact me when you have your answer." He says. I nod my head and he leaves the room.

"I want to see which deal is better for me and my music." I say.

"We need to contact Ben to look over the contracts, we got two deals." Ken says happy.

Months later

"Hey guys, so I have this amazing song that I absolutely love. It isn't mine, but who cares?" I ask. "If you know it sing along." I say and L.A story begins playing.

"That was an amazing show." Ken says after im done. "The crowd was great wasn't it?" I smile.

"Your bother has sent you an invitation and he's having an event and he wants you to come. He's practically begging for you to come and support him." She says.

"I'll go." I say

My brother has been asked, very frequently if I'm coming. I told him to shrug and say nothing I don't want to take his shine.

"Ohh look it's Eve D. In the house." Ed my cousin, Kens younger brother says making me laugh. I greet him with a hug. "Awe Eddie." I say pinching his checks once we pull away.

"Adan is somewhere, I just lost him." He says. He checks his phone, "He's in the lounge room 3." He says. Ken and him greet each other as we walk.

"We have to be careful with you that no ones recognize you and takes your brothers spotlight." Ed says. I nod my head understanding. I want my little brother to shine so bright.

"Hey you." A very familiar voice say, my eyes are covered by Vince, I uncover my eyes and turn to see him. "Hey you." I greet him as we pull into a hug. We talk and laugh.

"Eve they are some people I want you to meet." I hear my brother say, I turn to see him and some of the faze guys. Vince has his arms wrapped around my waist. I place my hands over Vince hands. Blaze is with them, he's look at Vince's hands around me. I don't need a reminder of my embarrassing days, and Blaze is a clear reminder.

"Eve and Vincenzo this is Nordan, Tommy, Cheo, Alex, Roman, Apex, Teeqo, and Blaze. Guys this is my sister Eve and Vincenzo, her man." Adam says winking at us. I smile and we shake hands. Vince does the same being polite.

"Your brother told us you were a fan of us." Nordan says.

"I am, I've tried keeping up with you but it's kinda hard with touring." I say.

"We've heard some of your music, it's great." Apex says. "Thank you." I give him a smile.

"I need to get going, duty call." Vincenzo says I turn to look at him.

"I could go if you don't mind." I say giving him a sly smile. He returns the smile. He kisses me, I return the kiss. "You need to support your bother, plus I'll see you at home tonight. We're having dinner with the parents." Vince says looking at Adam.

"I wouldn't miss your moms cooking for the world." Adam says. Vince says good bye to the rest, I walk him towards the door, before he leaves I kiss him. He rests his hands on my butt as we kiss.

"I should really get going." He says, he pecks my lips. "Before I change my mind." He says.


"So he's the boyfriend?" Blaze asks.

"Yeah." I say .

"So There's no chance for me?" He asks.

"Lucas you had your chances, back when I was a big fangirl and I was such a cringe and you didn't see me as more than a fangirl. Vince did, he saw me, all of me. So there's no chance because there's no way in hell I would mess up what Vince and I have for no one. He's the one." I say.

"I'm sorry for that, you're such a good human. I'm sorry I didn't see what was in front of me. I'm happy for you guys." He says. I hug him.

"Thank you for understanding. Maybe in another life it would be different." I say making him smile a little.

Bc i haven't posted in months. Hope you enjoy the request babe!
Updated: August 4, 2018

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