Absent for a year|| Nick J.

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I am excited to see the boys. Cheo is the only one who knows that I am back. I left for a year, I kinda change my look. I have short hair. It's light brown, before it left it was dark brown almost black.

 It's light brown, before it left it was dark brown almost black

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Cheo came to pick me up at the airport. Once I see him I sneak up on him. "Boo." I say trying to scare him but I fail. He pulls me into a hug.

"I missed you, how was touring?" He asks.

"It was amazing, I got to learn new stories and meet new people. I even lost my luggage in Dubai." I say making him laugh.

"Did you preform in Dubai?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No I just went there for some days as a vacations." I say. He nods his head. We get my luggage and make our way to the car.

"So did you meet anyone?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I say giving him a smile.

"You did?" He asks.

"Yeah he's super nice, he's from America. He's my photographer." I say.

"Ahh." He says in a teasing tone.

"Boys." I scream once I saw them. Nord runs to me and picks me up. "I missed you so much." Nord says. "I did too." I say. I greet the rest of the boys.

"Why haven't you greeted me Alex?" I ask.

"Cause you left me." He says with folded arms. I sit next to him. "I said goodbye, I invite you on tour many times. You said no that you were busy." I say.

"Cause I knew if I went I wouldn't want to come back. You're my best friend." He says hugging me.

"Awe. Alex." I hug him.  "All the boys went on tour with me and you stayed here." I say

"I know." He says.

"Well I leave after I am done with my album. You can go with me then?" I ask.

"I would like that." He says.

"For this tour it's a lot smaller. I'm also doing a book tour. I am doing a book about me. You guys are in it. I wanted to ask if that's okay with you guys?" I ask. They nod their heads.

"Will we get money from it?" Nord jokes around.

"That's what we need to discuss with my publishers. I might ask you to write a bit of yourself in the book." I say.

"So amazing things are coming your way?" Lucas asks.

"Amazing things." I say. "I missed you guys so much." I say. We talked and caught up life's the year I was absent. I made videos with the boys.


I've been in LA for a week now. I am going to go pick up my boyfriend from the airport.

"Hey you." I look and pull him into a kiss. "I totally like your respond. I missed you this week." Cole says.

"I've miss you too." I say. "So we're going to my friends house?" I ask as we walk to my car.

"By friends you mean the Faze house?" He asks I nod my head. "Count me in." He says.


"You think they would like to make a little mini photoshoot with them?" He asks. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I say. I park the car and we get off. We make our way to the house. I have the key they gave me so I just open the door and let us in.

"Hey boys." I greet.

"Hey Y/n." They says. They look up.

"You're Cole Sprouse." Alex says.

"That's me." He smiles. The rest of the boys greet him.

"So this is the boyfriend?" Nordan asks. Cole and I not our heads.

"This is the boyfriend." I confirm with a smile.  We talk for a bit.

"We forgot to warn you, Nick is coming." Lucas says. I nod my head. We're doing a little photoshoot with the boys. Cole shows me some pictures of Lucas and I.

"I have some on my computer I need you to check out. So I can post them on my Instagram." He says. I go on his computer and look through the pictures .

"Y/n." Cole calls out for me. I look and see him taking pictures of me. I wink at him.

"Hey guys." I hear Nick say. Cole knows about Nick so it isn't a problem. Nick greets us and we do the same. We greet the girl he's with. He's holding hands with her. I still kinda have feelings for him and it kinda hurts but not as much as I expected it to hurt when we barely broke up.

"You guys want to join us for the little photoshoot we're having?" Cole asks nicely.

"Sure." The chick says.

"Can I speak with you Nick?" I ask.

"Yeah sure what's up?" He asks.

"I'm writing a book. I wanted to ask you if it's okay if I put you in. I mean you were there in that part of my life." I say.

"Yeah sure. Totally." He says cooly.

"Thank you." I give him a smile.

"I'm proud of you Y/n, even though you broke my heart when you left that night. I really am and I hope we can be friends." He says.

"I hope we can too." I say. Once we get back to the group Cole is showing them some of the pictures he took of me on tour.

"Trust me he has some Polaroid pictures of me. He has like, at least a stack. We would usually take some and place it around the arenas and who ever had it under their seats would come up stage with me." I say.

"That's cute." Nicks girl Maggie says.

"So you sing?" She asks.

"Yeah, I actually toured in Europe in my past tour. I'm having another one coming up." I says.

"That's so cool." She says. Cole and I tell stories of on the road and the boys share some too when they went with me or just stories in general.

This is a different one and I like it. Don't forget to vote, comments and share, along with reading my stories I appreciate it. Guys request are open, dm me or comment down below.
Updated: August 18, 2017

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